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a heart-broken lover - 450 word minimum - "where'd you get that wound?"

okay so i want to stay out of the suicidal path just in case so its just gonna be like fuckkk- um like signs and mentions of abuse even though that's no better but this is just a warning so if you don't wanna see that you don't need to read this one :)


Maria continued to stare at the white-tiled ground while swinging her feet as she waited for the nurse to come in. Maria's long hair fell over her shoulders and around her neck.

She would cut her hair if she could. She just didn't want anyone to see the markings her husband left.

She had bruises all along her back and shoulders from the recent beatings. Some were purple and some were fading into a green-brown mix. But they all hurt the same.

Maria leaned back and stared at the white light on the ceiling. It was so quiet and the only noise she heard was her legs swishing the paper mat beneath her and her breathing.

A door opening interrupted the anxiety filled quiet.

A dark haired nurse walked in and looked over to Maria, and Maria stared back. She was so lucky to get a beautiful nurse; she made her heart rate slow down and she felt warm. "Um, Mrs. Reynolds, I'm back. I'll be your nurse for today. I'll do your check up," she smiled at Maria on the table.

"Welcome, Eliza," Maria smiled as she looked at the nurses name tag. Eliza smiled back and giggled.

"Could you slip on this gown, please," Eliza asked, pulling up a gown from the counter and held it out for Maria to put on. "Of course."

Eliza turned to walk out but Maria had a better idea.

"Oh- Eliza you don't have to walk out, I'll just do it right here," Maria hopped off of the table. "Oh- okay," Eliza smiled and turned pink.

She was so cute.

Maria undid her dress in the back and pulled the sleeves off of her arms. She let the dress fall down to her hips, revealing her chest and bra.

Eliza was bright red now.

Maria reached for the gown and pulled it from Eliza's arm, not taking her eyes off of the taller nurse.

But Eliza stayed with the gown and got pulled closer to Maria.

They were only a few inches from each other now. They were both staring into each other's eyes and breathing lightly.

Eliza shook her head slightly and let go of the gown and walked back a pace.

Maria pulled the gown to her and pulled it over her exposed chest.

Once it was over her head, she dropped the rest of her dress and pulled the gown down to her thighs.

"Her let me get that for you," Eliza stepped forward and turned Maria around and began to tie the gown.

Maria stared at the door until she heard a gasp from Eliza.

Maria turned around and looked at the nurse the Eliza was covering her mouth, her eyes filling with tears.

"Eliza please don't cry. It's nothing, I'm fine," Maria tried to soothe the dark haired girl but barely helped.

"M-Maria who did this to you. Where did you get this wound? Please tell me."

Eliza's voice shook and her tears wet trails down her face.

Maria stared at the floor guiltily. The last time she tried to tell someone James--her husband--hurt her to where she could barely walk the next day.

The air caught in Maria's lungs as Eliza grabbed her hands and rubbed her thumbs over her knuckles.

"It was James. Wasn't it?"

Maria continued to stare at the ground. She couldn't look at Eliza and now both of them were crying.

"I'll fucking kill that fucker," Eliza back away from Maria and started pulling at her hair and talked through gritted teeth. She was pacing.

"Eliza please.

Please calm down.

It isn't that bad, I'm used to it."

Maria regretted saying that.

"Used to it?" Eliza turned to Maria. "How long has this been happening? I'm calling the police."

Eliza grabbed the phone out of her pocket and unlocked it.

"No please! He'll just hurt you too."

Maria fell to her knees and started sobbing. She covered her face and began shaking.

A pair of arms reached around Maria. Eliza and Maria were both on the ground hugging and crying.

"I'm sorry."

"It's f-fine. You only want what's best."

"Can I call the police later, though?"

Eliza spoke quietly.


"Thank you." Eliza kissed her on the head. "He will never touch you again."

Maria sunk into the hug, not wanting it to break.

This was real love, and nothing that James had shown her.

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