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Take this sad ass Lams thing cause I'm a sad person okay. Okay so in this story Alexander cheated on John with someone, you pick who cause I'm lazy and tired.


John walked out of his home. Their home.

Tears continued to leave tracks on John's face as they fell down his cheekbones, the hot tears being the only heat John could feel. He felt numb. Not only from the cold but from Alexander.

John looked up to the star sprinkled sky, hoping an answer to his pain would fall from space. "H-how could he do thi-this to me?"

The pain and pressure found it's way back into John's chest and weakened him. His knees gave out and he crumpled to the ground, a brick wall holding his back. He covered his red, burning face with his shaking hands. The anxiety took control of his body completely.

"Was I not good enough for you, Alexander?" He looked up to the sky which was beginning to get blocked out by the orange street lights that lined the street. Their street.

John continued to keep his face up, letting his tears fall down the far corners of his eyes. They ran down his jawline, leaving trails for the cold to pierce John's skin further.

A few snowflakes flew through the air, being pulled by the wind. They were out of control, unable to control their next actions. Just like John.

He couldn't sit there any longer, Alexander would find him soon. Out of panic, John jumped up quickly and walked across the yard. Their yard.

His feet sank into the snow beneath him, the sound of it filling John's ears. It clouded his brain and instead of a soft crunch, a thunder erupted.

In his head, in his chest. It dug deep into him and took control of his feet. They ran towards the road in front of their home. They wouldn't stop.

Once his feet hit the pavement he felt a brief moment of calmness. The thunder stopped and silence flooded John's brain.

The thunder was replaced with a simple crash. A crash that destroyed a man's life and one that finally brought peace to the others.

John was left in the street, his head turned towards the house. Their house.

Alexander was running towards him. His shrieking filled John's head with the same thunder. His hands soon reached around John's head and bent his own head over to kiss his lover. The kiss was short lived. Alexander was soon kissing a cold, lifeless mouth of someone that he devoted his world to.

He took John's golden wedding band and held it in his own hand tightly. He kept his other hand intertwined with John's, physically unable to let go.

John died in his lovers arms, tears on each of their faces. Alexander sobbed into John's chest and wished for his John to come back home. Back to their home.

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