Ever Yours

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ive been having a very anxiety-filled week so im gonna be writing more to release some of these bad feelings, but i hope you guys enjoy this! go listen to great comet its amazing and deserved better,, and i really love the idea of john being like a "guardian angel" sorta thing so this is what that is if youre into that kinda stuff. oh and the timeline is all messed up so just pretend philip didnt die


Philip carefully closed the front door of his home, trying not to make a noise. Once the door shut, he walked up the stairs, a few creaks coming from the boards. He got upstairs and tiptoed into his room and sat on his bed, slipping off his shirt and khakis. He grabbed the covers and covered his bare chest and legs.

Finally. I needed this. He thought to himself, humming a catchy tune from the party he was just at.

He slipped into unconsciousness but was slapped on the right side of his face with an all too familiar hand. "WHAT THE HELL JOHN," Philip whisper-yelled at the slightly faded man standing over him

"Philip! I was so worried about you! You can't just sneak off to parties and start fights with random people! I'm worried about you," the taller man pulled Philip into an upright seating position and checked his face over. He let out a sigh and pushed a curly strand of hair from his forehead. They both had countless freckles and curly hair but John's was lighter than Philip's.

Philip moved John's hand from his head and shook his hair, making it messy again. John just smiled at the teenage boy, seeing so much of Alexander in his eyes. "So... How's your night been, Laurens?" Philip sat up and let his feet hang off the bed and then placed them flat on the ground. John sat beside him and stared straight forward at the window. "It's been okay. Just a bit quiet," John spoke softly, looking at Philip from the corner of his eye.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Some girl invited me to a party and I," the younger man trailed off and looked at his feet. "What did you do?" John stared at Philip, anger in his eyes. "Philip. What in the HELL DID YOU DO?" John took Philip's shirt collar in hand and shook the young man, standing over Philip. Philip stayed silent and stared at the ground.

John let go and hugged Philip tightly. "I'm so sorry for being so violent. I just can't bare to lose you, Philip." Philip rubbed his nose with his fist and sniffed. "I might've," he giggled and grabbed John's sleeve. "I drank some and I might have kissed someone on accident."

John laughed and pat Philip on the back. "You're just like Alexander, it's ridiculous. The only people who can accidentally kiss someone," John smiled and sat on the bed and held his forehead. "So, do you remember who it was?" John was in the mood to be nosy. "Uh- It was that," Philip laughed and hid his red race. "C'mon Philip, tell meeee," John shook his arm. "That- shit," he laughed. "PHILIP TELL ME," John laid on the bed, covering his face and laughing. "That dude in my first block that I told you I liked," Philip got up and plugged his phone up to charge it. "OH. MY. GOD. YOU DID NOT," John laughed and sat up, smiling widely. "Was it that Jake Eacker or something, right?"

"George," Philip held up and finger and turned back to John, smiling. They both sat in silence, smiling.

The two of them suddenly faced the clock in unison. "I need to sleep, John," Philip said as he tucked his unclothed body under the covers. John stood up, giving Philip leg room. "Okay, see you in the morning then," John smiled patted Philip on the head twice and opened the bedroom door and walked out. Before John could close the door, Philip sat up and spoke to the taller man, smiling sadly. "Dad's asleep if you want to go see him." John smiled and felt tears form in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and closed the door, holding his own hand in comfort.

He walked across the hallway to the doorway that he knew too well. He breathed and opened it only enough to let himself in. He closed it behind him and let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. Eliza was in bed, her dark hair pulled back behind her head. The space beside her was empty.

John looked up and saw Alexander sitting at his desk, writing a document probably for Congress. John almost collapsed just seeing his old friend. He walked over and looked down at the paper in front of him. It read:

This letter, my very dear Eliza, will not be delivered to you, unless I shall first have terminated my earthly career; to begin, as I humbly hope from redeeming grace and divine mercy, a happy immortality.

If it had been possible for me to have avoided the interview, my love for you and my precious children would have been alone a decisive motive. But it was not possible, without sacrifices which would have rendered me unworthy of your esteem. I need not tell you of the pangs I feel, from the idea of quitting you and exposing you to the anguish which I know you would feel. Nor could I dwell on the topic lest it should unman me.

The consolations of Religion, my beloved, can alone support you; and these you have a right to enjoy. Fly to the bosom of your God and be comforted. With my last idea; I shall cherish the sweet hope of meeting you in a better world.

Adieu best of wives and best of Women. Embrace all my darling Children for me.

Ever yours


July 4. 1804

Mrs. Hamilton

The breath caught in John's throat and he stumbled backwards, gripping onto the bed behind him and squeezing the covers tightly in his fist. "Alexander, don't you dare," John's voice shook and his eyes were wide in fear. He could still feel the bullet in his chest. "Alexander, please," John stepped forward and gripped Alexander's shoulder with his shaking hand.

Alexander didn't react to the touch. He just began to weep. John quickly let go of his friend. Alexander's sobs filled the room and he covered his face after throwing his quill across the room with fury. "Damnit," he spat angrily. "What am I doing?" His raspy, tired voice sent shivers up John's spine.

"I can't leave my children." He breathed and turned in John's direction. "Philip?" he questioned, looking John straight in his eyes. John just stared back, cheeks stained with tears. "Alex..." John didn't know what to say to him. "John?" Alexander sounded like he didn't believe John was standing there. John nodded slowly, taking a step forward.

Alexander ran forward and hugged John around his ribs. John hugged back, his arms falling around his shorter friend's neck. Alexander began to let out sobs and he hugged John tighter.

They stood in a comfortable silence for what felt like years. Alexander took a step away from John and studied his friend. "You still look the exact same, Laurens," Alexander said, a smile across his face. John just smiled back, thinking of Alexander when John was alive and in the army with Alexander. "You haven't changed at all, Hamilton," John looked at the desk full of papers. His stomach suddenly dropped again.

"Alex, you can't do this. Just give up, please," John begged his friend and gripped his shoulder. Alexander shook out of John's grip angrily. "This is my life, John. I can handle this. It's not in Burr's political interests to kill me," Alexander turned back to his desk and leaned on it. John exhaled, knowing he couldn't change his mind. "At least I'll be able to see you sooner than I thought then," John spoke darkly. Alexander turned back to John.

Alexander hugged John again. They hugged for a few seconds when Alexander stepped away from John and looked out of the window, realizing the sky was turning light. "I need to go," he spoke tiredly. He tried to push past John, but was stopped by another hand taking his.

"I'll be there, Alexander."

"I'll see you then, John."


i ran out of motivation but hi its finally finished and this was A LOT longer than i thought before but i hope you like it

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