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A jealous lover - 1,000 words - "She's okay, I guess."
I know this sucks just give me a break okay.


John walked into the cafe, the bell at the front door ringing quietly as he opened it. It was dark in the cafe, the only source of light coming from the windows and some dim lights lining the walls. John looked around for his friend, Alexander. They were supposed to meet up to work on their project for Mr. Washington's class. They have a debate against Thomas and James next week and they had to win. They couldn't lose to a man with longer hair than some of the women at their school and a small, sick kid that only wears sweaters.

"John!" someone behind John yelled his name cheerfully. Before John could turn to see who it was an arm wrapped around his shoulders. He felt his face go hot and turned to the person holding him. It was Alexander.

"Oh, hey Alex," John replied, forcing his voice to stay steady. They smiled at each other for a second before Alexander turned them around and walked to a table by the window with a laptop sitting on the right side. He kept his arm around his slightly taller friend the whole time.

They let go of each other and John took the bag off of his back and they sat in their own seats. John looked out the window to keep him from staring at the dark haired man sitting in front of him. John put his head on his hand and watched the cars driving along the roads. He must have blanked out because Alexander had to kick John under the table to get him to pay attention.

"Earth to John," Alexander laughed, looking at John. "Oh," John laughed slightly, "my bad, Alex." Alexander nodded to his friend and looked down to his computer screen. His fingers ran quickly across the keyboard. "Okay, so I got the introduction so far- I did it all last night," Alexander said without taking his eyes off of the screen. John looked down at his bag and started to pull his own laptop out. "I put it on Google Docs so we can work on it at the same time. I'll Email it to you, one sec," Alexander smiled sweetly at his friend in front of him.

John opened the document that Alexander sent him and watched the words pop up on his screen with a little blue bar with the name "Alex" staying in front of the words. John looked up at his friend as he typed. He looked so beautiful. The morning sun caught in his hair and eyes and made him look like an angel. His eyes rushed across his screen and his shoulders moved slightly from his typing. His black sweatshirt covered his chest and his sneakers tapped the ground to a simple beat. John was hypnotised by the beautiful man in front of him.

"You wanna stare at me any longer?" Alexander joked, his eyes still not leaving the screen. "Uh-I'm not staring at you!" John defended himself, crossing his arms against his chest. Alexander laughed loudly, "You are such a liar, oh my god!" His laugh was beautiful and his smile made John blush. John huffed and let out a giggle.

"So what do you think so far?" Alexander asked, smiling wildly and sitting back in his chair. John read over what Alexander wrote. "It's perfect. We're definitely going to win this debate," John smiled and was actually baffled by how persuasive this was. Thomas didn't stand a chance.

Alexander smiled at the compliment. "Aw, thanks Laurens. Now what's another point why Common Core is completely stupid and shouldn't be used in schools anywhere?" Alexander asked, laughing at how easy it was to answer the question.

John thought for a moment. "Well, maybe we could talk about how it tests how you rememb-" John was interrupted by a dark haired waitress walking up to the table holding a coffee. "Here's your coffee, sir," she smiled at Alexander and blushed as he winked at her. "Thank you," he looked closer at her nametag, "Elizabeth."

She laughed lightly, "You can just call me Eliza." A pink blush found it's way across her cheeks. "It was a pleasure meeting you," Alexander charmed. He could make anyone fall in love with him.

"And the same goes to you," and with that, Eliza walked away from the table and started talking quietly with a dark skinned girl at the counter. "So," Alexander broke into John's thoughts.

If John answered honestly he would probably ruin their friendship. He hated seeing how happy she looked when he talked to her. Anger bubbled in his chest, the pressure growing in his lungs.

"So what?" John replied, sounding a bit harsher than he meant it to. Alexander flinched. "What's wrong? Do you like her?" Alexander asked, looking genuinely concerned. John regretted speaking. "I'm fine. She's okay, I guess."

Alexander wasn't satisfied with the response. "John, tell me. I'm here for you," Alexander reached across the table and rubbed John's arm. His dark brown eyes met John's hazel eyes and John's heart went mad.

"Alexander I-" John got choked up. He let out a whimper into the neck of his shirt and tried to disguise it as a cough. "John, please," Alexander scooted closer to John and looked into his friend's eyes. John's chest was filled with a tightness that he couldn't describe.

Johns eyes started filling with tears and he pulled away from Alexander and turned to get up from his chair. He closed his laptop loudly and shoved it back in his bag and put the bag onto his back. "I'll text you later, Alex," John responded shakily. He turned away from his friend and started walking to the door, his head tilted down to hide his tears. He would be able to hide them better if he had worn his hair down.

John felt someone grab his arm. "John, stop please," Alexander stared into at his friend's freckled face. "I just have somewhere to be," John tried to shake off Alexander's hand but failed.

Alexander wasn't done. "Tell me why you're crying," Alexander demanded. John wiped his face with his hand and replied, "It's unimportant Alex. It's nothing you should worry about."

John needed to get out of the cafe, he felt trapped. Alexander looked hurt. "Why do you want to leave me so badly?" He asked, his face looking sad. John felt like he was about to explode.

"Alex let me go," John ignored Alexander's question. "No, John. You aren't leaving m- here until you tell me what's wrong. Did I say something? Tell me what I can do to fix this pl-"

John leaned forward and planted a kiss on Alexander's lips. Alexander immediately let go of John's arm and his eyes were wide.

John took his chance and took his mouth away from Alexander's and rushed out of the building. Hopefully John wouldn't regret doing that. He just needed Alexander to shut up for a second. John made it a few feet down the sidewalk when he heard a familiar voice call his name. John turned around and saw Alexander running towards him. He had his bag on his back and his hair looked messy.

John panicked and started running away from his friend. John looked ahead of him, studying how the Sun cast shadows over his New York City. The scene was beautiful and John wished he could take a picture but quickly turned the corner and ran down another block. "John! I swear to god if you don't stop running!" Alexander called from behind him. "I told you that you should've taken those track lessons with me!" John laughed at how the man behind him was panting so hard.

John made it down a flight of stairs into the subway and got onto the nearest train, Alexander close behind. The door closed right when Alexander got there and John laughed to himself, breathing quickly. That definitely put him in a better mood.

John didn't sweat having Alexander chase him. He'd just text him later and see him tomorrow at college. He might even work on the debate just to get under Alexander's skin. Then John remembered what he had done.

'Holy shit did I actually kiss him,' he thought, starting to panic again. He couldn't face Alexander after doing that. That was the only thing that John thought about the whole train ride. Apparently he hadn't ruined anything because Alexander still followed.

John blushed. What if Alexander liked him? The train stopped and John walked off the train and realized that he actually got on the right train to get home. He walked along the sidewalk and thought about Alexander the whole way to his apartment.

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