Haunted House

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This is just a random idea i had so just go with it ig !!jeffmads shit!!


James walked up to the apartment building, looking for the number to his friends home. 'Room F55,' James thought, looking from his phone to the doors lined up to the right of him. After a few minutes of walking down hallways, James finally faced his friends familiar apartment door. He knocked three times and added two harder ones at the end. They always did this to each others doors to signal that it was them.

The door opened a few seconds later and a tall, fluffy haired man appeared in a dark purple sweater and black jeans. He smiled down at James who was at least five inches shorter than his friend at the door. "Hey there, Jamesie," he greeted in a kind, Virginian voice. "Hey Thomas," James replied, staring up at his friend.

"You ready to get your pants scared off you?" Thomas laughed, knowing that his friend hated Halloween and that getting him to go to a haunted house was a miracle. James shrugged and sighed. "I guess I am," he replied regretfully.

"Oh, cheer up, James. It isn't that bad," Thomas attempted to soothe his friend but failed. James coughed a bit. "Can I at least get some tea first? My throat is killing me," James simply brushed off his friend attempt to calm him down.

Thomas nodded, grabbing his car keys off of a nearby dresser. "Let's go," Thomas smirked, twirling his keys around his pointer finger. James knew he would regret this.

Once the friends reached the haunted house grounds after getting some tea, the air had chilled. James shivered in his blue-grey sweater, which had a white button up underneath it. "James, it isn't even that cold. You're so dramatic sometimes," Thomas flicked his hair over his shoulder. James scoffed at the remark. Thomas was the real dramatic one here.

The two friends eventually reached the doorway to the haunted house and James was too anxious to control his shaking hands and legs. Thomas was smiling happily and practically bouncing as he walked. "Thomas, do we have to do this?" James asked, immediately regretting agreeing to this. He only did it out of jealousy anyway, he just didn't want Thomas to go with Alexander.

Thomas sighed, "James, we're doing this so just suck it up. You can hold my hand if you get too scared," Thomas ended the sentence in a joking way. James really thought about this option and considered it. 'No James, you can't do this. You can't ruin your friendship with your feelings again,' James told himself. He already messed up his friendship with John a few months ago anyways.

They walked into the dark house, the walls close together so that James could barely walk beside Thomas, but James forced himself into the small space just to keep himself from being left by himself.

The deep music playing in the background made James' anxiety spike. He totally wasn't ready to do this. He grabbed onto Thomas's arm and gripped it tightly. Thomas looked down at his friend and smiled. 'What a nerd,' he thought, admiring his short friend. Thomas respected James for doing this even though he has always hated things like this.

Thomas was brought out of his thoughts by a loud popping noise to his left and a cheap-looking clown mask sticking up on a pole sprung up. Thomas just stared at it but started laughing when James jumped and whimpered a bit. "Shut up, Thomas! It isn't funny, I could have a heart attack!" James whined, his hands grasping tighter onto Thomas's arm.

"Fine," Thomas continued to giggle as they walked forward. They reached a curtain and Thomas opened it with his one free arm. A bright hospital-like room appeared before them, a bed with a body lying next to the exit on the other side of the room.

A banging on a closed, metal door on the right side of the room caught Thomas's attention and made James jump again. "James, it's all cheap ass stuff anyway, don't get scared by any of this." James just sighed beside him and nodded his head.

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