World Was Wide Enough

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A remorseful murderer - 150 words - "I'm so sorry."

This reminds me of Burr so Here We Go.


"Weehawken, dawn. Guns drawn."

Aaron spat coldly at the man in front of him. Rage filled his lungs and made his hands and legs go numb. Aaron hoped Alexander wouldn't agree to the stupid duel that Burr challenged him to. Aaron didn't want to kill Alexander, he just wanted to prove that he was brave enough to face him.

"You're on," Alexander replied flatly. He was smirking and didn't flinch or stutter. He stood up straight and breathed steadily. He looked like a man on a mission.

Aaron was sure that his mission was undoubtedly to kill Burr, his first friend, his enemy.

Aaron turned around on his heel and walked back to his home. He didn't look back at Alexander to see if he looked apologetic. Alexander chose for this duel to take place, and Alexander doesn't change his mind.

The next day...

The morning sun shone over Aaron's head, the beams hitting Alexander's glasses, a glare covering his eyes. 'He's going to kill me,' Aaron thought, his adrenaline racing. 'But not if I kill him first.'

They both held their pistols steadily, occasionally fiddling with the triggers. They loaded the pistols and began to take paces.

'7, 8, 9, 10,' Aaron thought, his heart racing. Right as he hit ten he turned and shot, not hesitating for a moment. He couldn't risk getting shot.

The next thing Aaron knew, Alexander was slumped on the ground holding his chest, his eyes wide open. Aaron dropped his pistol and ran towards the bleeding man on the ground.

Aaron fell to his knees and held his hand over his friends bleeding wound. "Alexander? Alexander, please don't go," Aaron was sobbing into his friend's coat. "I'm so sorry."

"Aaron, get up. He'll be gone by morning."

Aaron stared at his wounded friend's eyes. They studied Aaron's face and Aaron's eyes did the same. "Burr, I'll tell Theodosia you love her."

Alexanders eyes never left the sky. Not for a second.

"John?" Alexander suddenly gasped, his eyes wide. Aaron looked up and saw clouds outlined by the morning sun. "Philip! Mom?" Tears were now forming in Alexander's eyes. "Washington," Alexander trailed off.

Alexander grasped Aaron's arm tightly as if he was going to fall if he let go. "Eliza," the dark haired man sang quietly. He sounded so weak.

"Aaron," Alexander looked into Aaron's eyes. "Raise a glass to freedom," he choked out.

Blood left a trail down the side of Alexander's face as his head turned limply in Aaron's grasp. "Alexander, please," Aaron sobbed into his friend's coat.

The doctor eventually moved Aaron and got Alexander into a closed building, away from the public. Aaron felt numb. He couldn't make out any feeling.

Aaron never lived down the guilt of killing his first friend and Alexander's eyes never left Aaron's mind.

"Raise a glass to freedom," Aaron sang quietly to himself. His mind drifted off into the night and he eventually fell asleep, his friend being the only thing he could dream about.

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