The Bartender

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A single father - 550 word minimum - "how do you take it?"


Alexander walked into the bar in need of a drink--or many.

He'd had a terrible day today. His wife, Eliza, walked out on him after he had one affair with some dude down the street. Alexander rolled his eyes at the thought of the fight he and his wife got into. The dudes name was possibly Thomas--Alexander was too drunk to remember.

But the thing that threw Alexander over the edge was Eliza taking his son.

His son was his pride and joy, the only thing he lived for. And his wife knew what, so she knew taking Philip would hurt Alexander the most.

So Alexander was now a single father sitting in a bar looking eager for someone to love him--or just someone to offer him a drink.

Alexander pulled out a few bucks and bartender immediately walked over to him.

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" Alexander looked up from the wedding band on his right hand--he had to remove it from his left.

His heart seemed to stop as he saw the bartender in front of him.

"Oh--John Laurens," Alexander greeted his friend. "Alexander?" Laurens seemed surprised to see his friend there. "It's been a while man, you haven't been up here to see me since you got married."

Alexander flinched as John mentioned his marriage. "Alexander? What happened?"

Alexander looked back down at his ring and almost sobbed, but covered his mouth quickly. "She left, John. She fucking left me and it's all my fault. I got drunk one time-," Alexander's chest tightened. "Only once. But I forgot that I couldn't trust myself being drunk. I hooked up with this guy-um Thomas I think-and we-" Alexander stopped. "We fucked and he decided to leave me and tell Eliza."

John stared at Alexander sadly. "I'm always here for you Alex, you know that. You can always come to me if you need to talk," John reached across the table and placed his hand on Alexanders. Alexanders heart seemed to stop in his chest.

"But Alexander," John looked Alexander in his eyes and studied them. Alexander stared at his beautiful best friend. Oh why couldn't he have fucked Laurens instead of that whore Thomas--Thomas was cheating on his boyfriend too. But it's not like James would even care. Rumor has it Thomas basically abuses him but James always comes running back. It's quite sick actually.

"Alexander." Alexander was snapped back into reality. "Alex, did you hear my question?"

"Uh-no," Alexander didn't even try to lie.

"I said," John leaned in closer, "Do you have Philip?"

John stared at Alexanders face and studied every part of it. Every shade of his skin, every color in his brown eyes, the bags under his eyes. John saw that Alexanders eyes teared up at the mention of his son.

"Oh my god. Alexander I'm so sorry," John felt his own chest tighten, he loves Philip and treats him like his own son.

"It's fine, I just need a drink if you don't mind." Alexander felt utterly defeated.

"Alright, what do you want Alex?" John kept his hand on Alexanders. Neither of them wanted the contact to stop.

Alexander smirked. "Jungle Juice." Alexander ordered he and John's old favorite.

"How do you take it?" No soda, an extra kick to it?" John asked, smirking.

"You know me so well." Alexander smiled and blushed.

John walked over to the bar and started mixing fruits and other alcohols. Alexander stared at his friends back and wished for old times to come back. The days where they used to kiss and spend every moment together. Alexander wanted that back--and now he can. Alexander was head over heels for his freckled best friend.


the next one shot is gonna be connected to this one so keep this one in mind while reading the next one!! bye thanks for reading!

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