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lams I guess ?

year old virgin ~ "Everyone keeps ignoring me." ~ 250 word minimum

words: 579

Hi. I'm Alexander, Alexander Hamilton. And even though I'm the hottest guy in this army, I'm still a 40-year old virgin. I have a keen mind and looks anyone would die for, yet I can't get laid. Everyone keeps ignoring me, and I have no idea why or how. Who wouldn't want to get frisky with this hunk of a-

"Alexander! Writing again I see," Alexander looked up from his notebook and saw his friend, Laurens, John Laurens. His perfect freckles matched his perfect skin tone and his perfect eyes. This man in front of Alexander was just perfection. Oh, what Alexander would do to lose his virginity to the younger man.

"You know me too well, my dear Laurens," Alexander said, getting up from the ground, feeling the tree behind him for support. He was steady until he saw a spider crawl over his hand and he threw his hand off of the tree and screamed. "AH!" Alexander yelled, shaking his hand and running from the tree and Laurens.

Once Alexander knew the spider was gone he turned to see Laurens staring at him. "What?" Alexander asked the taller, freckled man. "It's on your shoulder," he replied bluntly, pointing to Alexander's left shoulder. "whAT JOHN HELP ME!" Alexander flung himself onto the ground and rolled, the grass flying up around him.

After a few seconds, Alexander picked himself up. "Thanks for your help Laurens," Alex sighed, staying on one knee. "Anytime, Alex."

When Alexander looked up from the ground, Laurens was holding Alexander's notebook, reading it carefully. Laurens looked around the book and smiled at Alexander. "Really man? This is golden," John laughed, closing the book and smiling wildly at his shorter friend.

"There was no spider, was there?" Alex said, brushing off his pants. "Nope!" John laughed. God this man was going to be the death of Alexander. "I just thought it would be hilarious to see the generals right-hand man freak out over a tiny spider," his laugh continued, making the setting sun and blue-green grass even more beautiful. Laurens copper hair gleamed in the sun, making the man even more radiant than usual.

"You like what you see?" Laurens posed, puckering his lips at Alexander. "What no!" Alexander slumped down, blushing harshly. John walked over to his short friend and handed him his pistol. "You left this at the tree while you were running from the tiniest spider I've ever seen," Laurens was still smiling. "Shut it, L-"

Alexander was cut off when John stepped forward and kissed his friend. Alexander melted into the kiss, putting his hands on his taller friends shoulders, pulling him closer. Laurens had one of his arms on Alexanders hip and one holding Alexander's hair in hand.

"How about we make this journal entry history?" Laurens smirked. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Alexander played with the taller mans hair, "but sure." Alexander just stared at Laurens.

"Um, okay," Laurens said, grabbing Alexander's hand and walking to his private bunker. And the shit happened and Alexander was no longer a "40-year old virgin".



Okay I know this sucks but give me a break I'm tired. Anyways thanks for reading this piece of shit sorry that it sucked bye

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