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fuck im sorry this is late i was at dollywood oops.. and hamburr is in this btw. i barely even ship this so i added lams because itS BETTER OKAY

"Someone is leaving prison after 20 years." 1000 word limit.


Alex walked around his cell, staring at his black shoes and bright orange pants. "53, 54, 55, 56-" He counted his steps but was quickly cut off by a guard walking up to his door and jiggling the keys in the lock.

"Aaron Burr," Alexander greeted the guard cheerfully. "Alexander," he replied flatly, not looking up from the keys. "It's good to see you again. But Burr, do you mind me asking what you're doing," Alexander asked, watching Aaron's every move.

"It's been 20 years. You're free to go, Alexander," Aaron replied. He sounded a bit sad to Alexander. "You have to be joking, I can't leave here--I can't leave you here," Alexander sighed. You could barely hear the end of his reply.

Aaron walked into the cell and looked around, making sure no other guard was around. When he was sure that no one could see them, he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Alexander's neck and buried his face underneath his jaw. He was shaking and his face grew hot with tears.

"P-please Alexander, don't le-leave me," Aaron managed to get out in a shaky breath. Alexander felt his hot breath on his neck and wrapped his arms around Aaron's back and hugged him tightly. "Shhhh... I'll still be able to see you after your shifts. It'll be alright, baby," Alexander soothed, rubbing his boyfriends back.

"Alexander. You're married and you know that. I'm engaged to Theo. We can't keep doing this," Aaron took a step back and stared at Alexander and his now puffy and pink face. "Burr." Aaron stared at his shoes, watching his tears fall from his chin.


Aaron looked up from his shoes and stared, wide-eyed at Alexander. "Aaron, please. I thought you didn't want me to leave you. Are you really going to give up on us?" Alexander asked, his face looking miserable. But his face became even more somber when Aaron put his head down again.

"So this is it?" Alexander sounded like he was going to break down--but not from sadness, from anger.

"You go through all of this and just end up fucking leaving me? Do you not care about me?" Aaron couldn't reply. He was too shocked at Alexander and his anger to open his mouth. "Oh I see... Well then."

Alexander walked up to Aaron and brought his hand up to the guards face and cupped his jaw in his hand. Aaron let his head rest in his hand and continued to cry. He began to sob louder and louder, his body shaking violently.

"I'm so, so sorry, Alexander. I love you so much and no one could ever compare to how I feel about you," Aaron stared into the dark haired mans eyes and felt at home again. "Maybe we can work this out."

Alexander's face brightened and he smiled. He rushed forward and scooped Aaron into his arms and swung him around bridal style. "I love you so fucking much Aaron," and the two kissed. The kiss was full of pure passion.

The two parted and Alexander put Aaron down but kept a hold on his hand. They both just stared at each other, admiring one another. This only lasted a few seconds before a woman with light skin and long dreads down to her hip walked into the cell.

"AARON?" The female officer screamed. Aaron spun around and stared at the woman, his face full of regret. "Theo, please be quiet dear. We can talk this out la-" Aaron walked over to her but was stopped by a slap that met the side of his face. The hit made Aaron stop in his tracks. He stared at Theodosia, tears littering his face.

"Don't 'be quiet dear' me! You're fucking cheating on me? I'm your fiancé!" She looked full of rage and hopelessness. Tears began to fall on her uniform. She looked past Aaron and stared at Alexander with pure hatred. "You- you whore!" She screamed and ran forward, grabbing Alexander by the collar of his suit and shaking him rapidly. Alexander grabbed her forearms and ripped her hand away from him.

Alexander backed away several steps as Theo came towards him. But she only made it a few steps before Aaron walked up behind her and grabbed her hand. "Theo, please."

Theo turned around and stared at Aaron. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were red. She let out a sob and walked out of the cell, leaving Aaron and Alexander to themselves.

Alexander walked up to Aaron, who had his back to Alexander. "Burr?" He asked, unsure of what to do now. "Alexander, please," Aaron breathed, "just leave." His voice was shaky and he sounded like he would start sobbing at any moment. "Aaron. Please, Aaron. Don't leave me," Alexander walked around Arron to see his face. "Babe-"

Alexander felt a punch knock the air out of his lungs. Aaron punched Alexander in the ribs. "Alexander. Leave now. Go before I arrest you again," Aaron spoke clearly. He sounded cold.

Alexander could barely speak. He fell to his knees. He was overcome with pain and confusion.

So Alexander just sighed and slowly lifted himself up. "Goodbye Aaron."

Alexander walked out of the cell and walked out of the building after signing a few papers. As soon as he was out of sight, he ran down the nearest alleyway and started sobbing. He didn't care if anyone heard him. He just needed some time to recover. Aaron's words replayed in his head endlessly. They felt like daggers digging into him.

After what felt like years, Alexander stood up with his back still touching the brick wall. He brushed the loose hairs out of his face and felt his cheeks; they were wet with tears and hot from the crying. He continued to walk out of the alleyway, not knowing where to go. He could go back to Eliza.

Alexander quickly pushed the thought away and walked out into the light. A sunset was in the sky, making the city look beautiful even though Alexanders world was being destroyed.

Alexander stared at his shoes and turned the corner, staying close to the buildings wall.

This didn't last long though because he ran into a man. He gasped and stepped back a pace. "Oh shit- I'm so sorry," Alexanders voice shakes and he looked up at the person.

"Oh- uh, my bad."

Alexander felt his heart leap. This man was absolutely beautiful.

"My name is John- John Laurens. Are you alright?" He asked, his sweet voice filling Alexanders head.

"Oh- I'm fine now. And I'm Alexander. Alexander Hamilton."

Hamilton ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now