Chapter 14

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It was another day in the pool. It wasn't as dark as the other one but the sun was just starting to set. The light brown feline that Shadow saw in the last vision of the past was back. It looked like she was heading toward where the camp of SmallClan was. Shadow sat patiently watching as her sister was killing these poor cats.

The feline flicked her tail trudging through the leaves quickly. They had started to brown just before the exiles had been exiled. It would snow soon if they were getting any snow. The feline made sure not to crunch too many leaves under her paws in order to stay quiet and not get any cat's attention. She had a mission from the look of her deep murky blue eyes.

The darkness overcoming the vision was making it hard to see her. She stayed in the shadows of the trees whenever she heard pawsteps coming her way. She soon found the camp that had abandoned her. She hissed something under her breath and waited for the few cats that were still awake to go to sleep. She saw two young warriors guarding the entrance. She narrowed her eyes but headed to the dirt place knowing they wouldn't be watching that as much.

The two guards didn't seem to notice her so she slipped into the camp. She knew it would be harder from this spot but she knew what she was doing. The light brown feline scampered toward the leader's den quickly. She glanced around almost nervously to make sure no one was watching. She knew that if she was seen she would be killed before she could even explain.

She entered the darkness of the leader's den to see the dark brown tom of a leader sleeping peacefully in his nest. A small smirk formed on her lips as she unsheathed her claws. She walked carefully not wanting to wake the tom until it was too late. She moved next to him her fur all bristled as she saw his breaths.

"You are dead now." She whispered under her breath and quickly swiped her claws at his neck. Before the male could move, she sunk her jaws around his neck. She did not want him to struggle too much. His eyes widened and panic started to form in his eyes. He struggled to move before his eyes started to slowly shut. He tried to open them again but the life was drained. In his final breaths, he let out a single yowl for help which didn't work since his throat was clogged with blood.

"That is for exiling my parents and sister when they did nothing wrong. I hope you lose the rest of your lives." Eaglepaw hissed before running as quick as she could away. She knew the clan would be waking up if they heard that pathetic yowl and she needed to get out. She rushed out of the dirtplace and started to head back to where her family was.


One more death then we can see Shadow's reaction to all of this. The next one will be quite funny but heartbreaking all the same.

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