Chapter 21

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It was a few calm days after the birth. The kits were growing and it would still be at least a half a moon before they opened their eyes. They were loud kits alright. One of them would always wake up because they were screaming their heads off. Shadow was getting tired of it and would sneak a few poppyseeds in before she went to sleep hoping that would help. It didn't. Muddle wanted to name the kits already but Shadow kept warning her not to.

It had been a half of a moon since she woke up from her coma. She was feeling better and was getting a lot of training in. She had told Night about her sister and her killings and how they had to be careful from now on. Brown was warming up to Shadow now. He had been spending a lot of time with her and making sure she was okay. She knew he was just as heartbroken as her that his brother died but he didn't show it. He seemed to be glad he died since then he would be in charge of the pack when Night died.

Shadow also wasn't allowed to leave the camp alone. She would usually have one of the fully grown toms with her to make sure she wasn't attacked anymore. She was thankful for it but it got annoying after a time. She wished that they weren't always there but she was glad that they actually cared. They hadn't caught scent of Eagle since the day that Mud was supposedly killed. They never found his body and Sunwish didn't know if he was alive or dead.

She secretly hoped that the tom was alive so that they could live together and be like Muddle and Night but with less kits. Definitely less kits. She didn't want more than ten if she could help it but she wanted more than three. She wished that if she had some kits, they would be able to grow up in a clan but she knew that was impossible now. She was banished from SmallClan and that would be the only clan she would want to go to.

At night, Sunwish would help her out a lot for the fight but she would also stow away to one of the clans to see if one of her old friends would help her with some real world training. It would sometimes work, but not always. She knew that she couldn't get caught so the warriors were cautious around her. She wished she could go back to SmallClan and see Heatpaw fight but she wouldn't be able to do that. He would be a warrior by now. He was five moons older so he would be twenty moons. He most likely had a mate and she could be expecting his kits.

Shadow sighed wishing she could go back. She would do anything and she knew she had to kill Eagle if she ever wanted to go back home.


Kinda spacer but oh well. It's kinda cute and kinda not. Hope you like it!

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