2.Our relationship

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Chance POV:
Jake showed us the house and the bedroom where we were staying with some Spanish boys called Emilio and Ivan. We hadn't met them yet but everyone says they were really funny.

Tessa POV:
Some days had passed and Chance and I became really good friends. Our friendship was so good I didn't want t ruin it by telling him how I felt about him. We were those kind of friends that would be able to hang out and talk two hours straight and never run out of subject. Everyday single day he would secretly sneak into my room  at 10PM ready to watch a movie with me. I enjoyed it because I knew that was at far our relationship will go. We would never be a couple because I'm almost sure he doesn't like me back.

*morning time*
Tessa: Hey Team 10, I'm leaving to dance class, I'll be back in three hours.
Ivan and Emilio: okay, see ya.
*Tessa leaves*
Ivan: Emilio now that Tessa if off is our time to move her things to our room and get the big bedroom for us.
Emilio: yes Ivan that's true. Let's start right now so that we finish it before she's home.

*they try to open Tessa's room and they realize it's locked.*

Emilio: What should we do? No one know the code except Erika and she wouldn't give it to us.

*Emilio and Ivan are sitting in front Tessa's door trying to think of what to do when Chance arrives *

Chance: Hey MARTINEZZ what are u doing?
Ivan and Emilio: NOTHING
Chance: really? Tell me what are you about to do?
Ivan: well you see, in our tiny bedroom we sleep us four and in this gigantic room Tessa sleeps alone soo
Emilio: As Tessa is gone for 3 hours we might as well change bedrooms. But her door is closed and no one except Erika knows the code.
Chance: Who said that? *winked at them*

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now