22.I knew it

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Chance POV:

Tessa and I were alone in the kitchen looking for some food.

Chance: Tess don't worry, during the "wedding " I'll let everyone know about us. I just have to find the way.
Tessa: are you sure? You don't want the both of us to tell them?
Chance: naw naw it's ok, I'll plan something. After all is a special moment.

Tessa POV:

I really wanted someday to marry Chance, he felt right, the way he treats me, the way he looks at me and how much he cares for me, but for that we're missing a lot of time, we aren't even a couple yet. Like Chamce never asked me to be his girlfriend, some months ago I've thought he'd already asked me but I'm ok with going slow. I always say "don't rush the things you want to last forever. Patience is key."

We were on our way to this chapel Jake got for us and on the car Chance fall asleep on my shoulder it was so cute but everyone was there so all I thought it was to make a joke about is...

Tessa: I think someone is taking this wedding thing pretty seriously.

I said that as I looked at chance.

Jake: I think you've been doing it for a while now.... just saying...
Tessa: what do you mean?
Chad: that you are the same way around him.
Tessa: no I'm not, we are just friends...
Ivan: Yeah friends...

I tried to play hard but on my inside I was laughing so much.

Chance POV:

I was waken up by Tessa telling me that we had arrived. We got everyone inside of the chapel and started to get ready.
*After 30 mins*
The girls looked beautiful Jake and I saw them walking through the hall to the altar. Tessa was so beautiful like she's always beautiful but today, today she looked even better.

We had all the wedding speeches while Kade was behind us recording. The moment of the vows had arrived. The man who was marring us started to say some things.

Man: Jake would you like to share your vows with Erika?
Jake: Erika I just wanna say you mean so much to me your big green eyes and your luscious lips I just wanna be able to buy you a lot of goats and just... i i love you.
Erika: aww thanks Jake.
Man: your turn Erika.
Erika: I'm bad at speeches... hmmm... I love you too?
Jake: wow Erika that was a great speech (sarcastic)
Man: Chance now is your turn to share your vows with Tessa.
Chance: Tessa Brooks ever since I met you I had a crush on you and these past couple weeks I've realized about our love and I just think your are mesmerizing in every way and everything I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Everyone: aww that's so cute.
Tessa: Chance I really like playing withe you and Anthony and I love you too.
Jake: aw that smells real for me (to the camera)
Chance: Oh can I add something?
Man and Jake: Yeah.
Chance: After all this time, I've wanted to ask you this but I never found the moment and I think that this is it. Tessa would you be my girlfriend?
Kade: I KNEW IT.

Hope you enjoy this super long chapter. ILYSM THANKS FOR 17,7K on IG and 23K on wattpad. ILYSM

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