23. Us

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Tessa POV

Tessa: ohh babeeee!!! Yes yes!!!

After that I kissed him and stayed hugged for a sec. I hadn't realized that we weren't alone. Everyone was there watching and getting to know just now that Chessa is real.

Jake: WOW
Emilio: I'm shocked, I shipped but didn't thought it was real...

I thought people would be really happy for us but they didn't seem like that...
We kept the wedding going for Jake's vlog. Once we finished we all got togather to talk.

Chance POV:

Chance: Well this was our way of telling u guys we were dating and my way to ask Tessa to be my girlfriend.

As I said that I hugged Tessa. I'm so happy, life's good.

Ivan: since when are you dating?
Tessa: 3/4 months.
Jake: congratulations guys! I love you both so much and deserve the best. Btw 4 months ago it wasn't Tessa's bday?
Tessa: yeah it was. In my bday party was the first time we kissed, but we were kind of drunk.
Chance: yeah we didn't know we liked each other back then we did for fun so like our fist real moment was when you guys arrived ro the beach and were almost about to kiss.
Tessa: I knew I liked you since u entered the door. 😊
Nick: awww.
Erika: Did Nick just say AWW?

Everyone laughed.
After a lot of talking about our relationship with everyone we went to eat so we could celebrate. I was really happy we could now be a normal couple that could kiss and hug each other whenever we wanted to.

Tessa POV:

We got back home and as Jake said we were changing from the house in the hotel.  This was a much bigger space but still we had to share rooms bc we were a lot. Once more Erika and I. Then Chance and Anthony. In another Martinez and Ray. In a smaller one Chad and Nick and in the biggest Jake and Kade. Sadly Tristan had to leave bc he had to do something really important back in LA.

(to Chance and Tessa)
Erika: hey guys I was wondering if you wanted me to sleep on Chanthony 's room tonight, maybe you guys want to talk or whatever.
Tessa: you don't mind?
Erika: not at all. I'll do anything for you T!
Chance: ok thank so much Rik.

Erika POV
I mainly did that for them but I also wanted to spend some time alone with Anthony. In this trip I realized that I didn't like Jake that much as I did Tony. But still wanted to spend time so I could realize who I really liked.

Tessa POV:

Chance and I head to my room. We got changed in to our pijamas and got in the bed. We were cuddling while we talked

Tessa: when we told them we were togather I thought they weren't happy for us.
Chance: yeah I thought the same but then I realized they were just shocked, they weren't expecting that to happen.
Tessa: yeah that's so true.
Chance: Thank you!
Tessa: For what?
Chance: always being there for me, caring for me and loving me.
Tessa: aww I love you! You're welcome babe.
Chance: I love you more Tess!

After that we talked a little bit and then went to sleep. I was happy AF. I had everything that I ever wanted and was sleeping next to the love of my life.

Thank you for 19K followers on IG and 28K 👁 on wattpad. ILYSM 💜

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now