32. Getaway

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After a couple hours they. It's realized how late it was and started getting ready to go back to the team 10 house.

Tessa POV

I was packing everything up then I glanced at chance. He was just sitting there.

Tessa: Babe what's wrong?
Chance: I don't wanna leave I just wanna stay here forever.
Tessa: aww babe me too I really wish we can stay here but we can't.
Chance: why?
Tessa: we have business to do. I have dance class and you just started vlogging again.
Chance: I know baby but things are so hectic lately we never see eachother that much at all anymore.
Tessa: i know. I really wish there was a way we can see each other more!
Chance: maybe there is!
Tessa: oh no what do you have planned now?


Chance: getaway
Tessa: getaway?

Tessa POV
he gave puppy dog eyes UGH THOSE PUPPY DOG EYES KILL ME!

Tessa: fine
Tessa: let's do it!!
Chance: really! Oh my gosh I love you so much.
Tessa: haha I love you too. But how are we gonna get to the team 10 house? WhT if someone is awake? Chance : I will text Anthony he is usually up at this time.

*text messages *
Chance: hey bro are you up?
Anthony: yea what's up. Where are you?
Chance: we will talk about it later. Is anyone up?
Anthony: no not right now.
Chance: okay.
Anthony: what's going on?
Chance: just call me

Chance POV
He called me and I explained everything .He was super supportive.

Chance:  are you ready?
Tessa: yes let's head out of here. Babe I'm nervous. Idk why I am so happy to do this but what if something happens while we're gone? What if we get in huge trouble?
Chance: it's fine. We will be gone for 3 days 4 at the most.
Tessa: where are we going?
Chance: somewhere I don't know where but somewhere.

*in the car*

Chance POV
I looked left and Tessa passed  out. I was thinking of places that were not to far away. And I remembered there was this place Tessa talked about all the time La Valencia. It's a hotel that had a beach nearby and many other things. It was only 2 hrs away.

Tessa POV
I was asleep for most of the drive. It had been two hours and we arrived. It was literally my dream getaway . A hotel with a beach right by it and where you could see the sunset.

Chance: we are here
Tessa: I know! I love you . Thank you
Chance: I love you too I would do anything for you..

Chance POV
we spent the weekend there. It was so much fun! We did everything possible. To much to tell. Let's just say we went to the beach and lots of shopping!
Tessa: I cannot believe it's our last day here. I'm glad we get to spend it watching the sunset.
Chance: I know I got two amazing views right in front of me.
Tessa: haha

Tessa POV
As we watched the sunset I got thousands of mini kisses from him. Then he said he needed to talk to me.

Chance: I got you something . I love you so so much and you are their for me thick and thin, still with me no matter how many stupid things I do. Here is my promise to stay with you forever and ever. I know we are basically "married" but I wanted to still let you know that I will stay with you no matter what. And I want you to know that everyday when you are mad at me , hate me, or annoyed by me!
Tessa: omg your making me cry ! I love you!
Chance: here

he gave me a promise ring . It was a simple infinity sign with diamonds surrounding the curves.

Tessa: stop! No no ! Omg baby!
Chance: haha . Read the inside
Tessa: lol really?
Chance: yes infinity and beyond.

Chance POV
we went home with smiles on our faces and questions bombarding us if where we went .

So the winner was @smileyiconzz on IG! Congrats! I enjoy a lot doing this type of things once in a while. Hope u like it too! GUYS IN 4 DAYS IS MY BDAY CAN WE GET MY IG CHESSA FAN ACC (@_chessa__)TO 30K AS A GIFT?💜 ILYSM

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now