17.Erika what did you do?

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Tessa POV:

It has been the best night ever. I'm awake in Chance's arms but still with my eyes closed. I don't want to get up, its so warm and comfortable. It felt so good I went back to sleep for a few minutes.

Erika POV:
I need to talk to Tessa. I think I like Jake, she will know what I should so right? She's so good at relationships and all that stuff.
I go upstairs and open her door but it was locked so I enter the code. I slowly open the door while I say

Erika: Good morning T!

I look over to her bed and I see 2 people. WTH? Who are they? I get closer and realize it Chance and Tessa. Aww they looked so cute together, they were sleeping and Chance had his arms around Tessa.

Erika: aww I ship it. CHESSA CHESSA CHESSA.

Chance POV:

I woke up to the sound of Erika talking.

Chance: oh hey Erika. Wait what? What are you doing here?

I hadn't realize that it wasn't normal that Tessa and I were in bed and Erika next to us.

Erika: I needed to ask something to T.
Chance: tess wake up.
Tessa: noo I don't want to it's so comfortable here with up.
Chance: TESSA! We have company.
Tessa: what?
Erika: Hey T!
Tessa: WTH? What are u doing here erika?
Erika: i needed to ask you something but I think you're a bit busy.
Tessa: kind of. Please can you keep this a secret?
Chance: yeah we trust you, we don't want anyone to know yet.
Erika: sure guys, you both know I love you I would never do that to any of you. I'm a bit mad tho! You know you can trust me why didn't you tell me? And since when did you make up after that fight?
Tessa: we might never had fought...
Chance: yeah that might have been a distraction for you guys think we weren't together.
Erika: I must admite that you guys are very intelligent, I would never come up with something like that.
Chance: well girls I let you talk, I have to get changed. Bye Erika, Bye Tess!

Before I leave I give Tessa a kiss on the lips and I could hear Erika from behind saying "awwww".

Tessa: so what do you need to tell me?
Erika: I think I like Jake...

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Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now