8.Beach time

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Chance POV
It's 12 PM and Tessa and I arrived to the beach. Jake will be here in around 1 or 2 hours because he has to go to the Team 10 house to get their bathing suits.
While we were waiting for them we found a place to put our things and food. I took off my shirt and Tessa took her shorts and hoodie.

Chance: Should we go to the water?
Tessa: idk i'm a bit cold... I thinl I'll stay here with the things. You can go if u want its okay with me.
Chance: nah, you're coming with me.

I went behind her and grabbed her, I run with her in my arms screaming.

Tessa: Chanceee get me down (laughing)
Chance: not today!!

When I got to the water I dropped her and jumped next to her!

Chance: sorry but I had to do it, you wouldn't have gotten in.
Tessa: that's true

For a moment there was a silence, it wasn't an awkward one, I liked it. And all of a sudden our eyes meet. Those beautiful brown eyes that until that moment I hadn't realized that drove me crazy.

Tessa POV:

All of a sudden my eyes and Chance's meet. Those green eyes reminded me why I liked him. That was the moment I realized I wanted to be more than friends... We looked at each other for 5 minutes. I didn't know why but the first thing that came to my mind was to hug him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. A few seconds later I could feel his strong arms hugging back. We were still in the water but I wasn't cold anymore. I felt warm, safe, is the best word for how I felt in that moment.

Chance POV
I couldn't believe that Tessa hugged me in such a passionate way. After some time of hugging we break apart but with her legs still around my waist and my hands moved under her butt so I could prevent her from falling into the water. All I wanted to do is kiss her. I like her a lot, I want us to be more that friends or best friends.

Tessa POV:
All I wanted to so is kiss him... I could feel he had the same thought. I could see his face approaching mine.


Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now