7.You can keep it

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Tessa POV:
I wake up with Chance's hands around me. It was 7 AM. I tried to get out of bed without waking him up. I made it to the bathroom and took a shower. When I finished I got dressed. I put on some blue jeans and because Erika took the only team 10 hoodie I had left I decided to use Chance's that was on top of a chair in my room.
When I get out of the bathroom I see that Chance is waking up.

Tessa: hey sleepy boy!
Chance: morning
Tessa: While watching the movie you passed out and I didn't want to wake u up because u looked so tired so thet's why you're still here.
Chance: oh really? Thank u then.
Tessa: your welcome! Want to get some breakfast?
Chance: sure, I just realized how good it feels not being waken up by Jake's pranks.
Tessa: Haha true I never thought about that.

Is now 10 AM and Chance and I are back from breakfast.

Chance:what should we do today?
Tessa: idk I have to make something bc I have to vlog.
Chance: let's call Jake to see if he's willing to do anything.
*phone call*
Chance: Hey Jakey! How was the party?
Jake: Hey broo! It was awesome u should have came. How are u there?
Chance: great we just got back from breakfast! The reason I called u is to ask u if we were doing anything today?
Jake: Yeah, I was thinking about going with Team 10 to the beach and take some pictures.
Chance: That sounds awesome. Tessa and I will get prepared and leave as soon as possible! When u are about to get there text me.
Jake: k bro. See ya
Chance: bye!
*ended the call*

Chance: so Jake is going to the beach with all the team! We should get prepared and leave.
Tessa: k I'll get change and we'll leave.
Chance: sure, btw nice hoodie u have! (Winked)
Tessa: haha sorry I had nothing to wear! I'll give it back.
Chance: its okay I have a lot of them keep it is looks cute oversized.
Tessa: sure? Thanks
Chance: yup you're welcome!

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now