38. Respect her

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Tessa POV:
Tomorrow morning we were going to Greece with all of the Team. I was really excited because I never had been there and everyone that did said that was the best place ever. I was really hungry so I went downstairs to look something to eat. As always there was nothing to eat so I shouted.


After a few minutes I noticed Chance, Anthony, Tristan and Alex, they were all around me waiting to go out for lunch.
We all wanted different kinds of food so we went to a restaurant. I ordered sushi as always, Chance and Anthony both ordered burgers with fries, Alex ordered pasta and Tristan has some lasagna. We ate it all and headed home,our plane was leaving at 3AM so we needed to pack and also we were going for 3 weeks so we had to pack A LOT. Especially me and Erika as girls.

Chance POV:
Tessa and I were in our rooms packing. I'm really bad at it, I get bored easily and that doesn't help.
I could notice Tessa packing a lot of cute outfits and as we were going to a place where it was summer she packed so many swimming suits.
I got close, hugged her and whispered in her ear.

Chance: I Can't wait to see you in those.

She giggled and started to blush. I was going back to packing when I felt a tiny hand grabbing me from the wrist pulling me back.

Tessa: I love you more than anything in this whole world.

When she said that she made me feel great. I usually said that first and then she says it back but this time was different I didn't say anything and she just said it. I'm so in love with her.
I started kissing her on the lips, after a few seconds of kissing it turned into a make out session. At this point we were laying on the bed, Tessa was under me. We stoped kissing and she looked straight in my eyes, she stared and I stared back for a few minutes. We never did it before (If you know what I mean) bc I didn't want to rush things, I know we been dating for a few months now but if she wanted to, I know that she would hace told me to. Maybe she wanted to wait for a special opportunity, I love her and respect her so I was okay with that. We made out a bit more and then I moved to kissing her neck. At that point I stopped my self and got up.


Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now