21.We moved to talk about marrige?

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Tessa POV:

It was 9 am and we were all up. We didn't how what Jake had planned for our day yet. We were having breakfast in a coffee shop, it was really cute.
We get back to the house and Jake calls all to the kitchen.

Jake: Well guys I have to tell you a couple of things. First, tonight we are going to so something really lit you'll get to know in some hours, also I need you to pack your things because the hotel I went the last time I was here offered us to stay there for free and it's ten times better than this house so around 10 we'll leave. And the last thing I want to tell you is that Nick and I have been thinking this for the longest time ever and we want Chance and Anthony to be part of Team 10, so congratulations boyss!

Chance POV:
WTH! I never expected this to happen, I wanted it so much at the beginning but then I forgot bc I felt like a part of it so didn't mind anymore.

Chance: wow man that's great. Thank you so much.
Anthony: yeah thank you.

All I wanted to do was kiss Tessa, I was so happy, but I kept my self from doing that.

*after some time*

Tessa POV:

everyone was going to the pool but Chance and I waited a bit so I could congratulate him for joining Team 10.

Tessa: Babe I'm so happy for you.
Chance: Thank you so much beautiful. I'm so happy.
Tessa: yeah you seem but I also know you and know that something is bothering since you got the news! What is it?
Chance: yeah... well when I first got the news all I wanted to do was kiss you and I couldn't. I really want us to tell them.
Tessa: okay I promise today we'll let them know, idk when yet but we'll find a moment.
Chance: k, thank you babe!

He kissed me on the lips multiple times and then pulled me into a big hug.
After that we joined everyone in the pool. We had a really good time with everyone.

It was almost 5 pm

Jake: well the thing that we are doing is getting married.
Erika: what?
Jake: yeah joking. Like we'll do it for views and the thumbnail saying "WE GOT MARRIED IN VEGAS" .
Chance: who are you getting married with?
Jake: with who are WE getting married you mean?
Chance: what?
Jake: so the ships that gain more views are Chessa and Jerika, so we're getting married.
Jake: Come on guys is joking, it will be all acted up.
Tessa, Chance and Jake: ok I guess...

This was the time, during the wedding we had to let everyone know about us...

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now