39. The start of a trip

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Tessa POV:
In an hour our plane was leaving. Chance and I had packed everything already so we were cuddling in my bed. I was on my phone while he was sleeping on my chest.
After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door.

Tessa: who is it?
Jake: it's me Jake.
Tessa: come in!

As soon as he got in he noticed that chance was sleeping on top of me.

Jake: aww Chessaa
Tessa: hahaha, what do u need?
Jake: oh yeah. In 10 minutes we are leaving to the airport so wake up Chance so we aren't late.
Tessa: k I will thank u!
Jake: no problem.

When he left I tried to wake up chance.

Chance POV:

I was peacefully sleeping when I heard Tessa and Jake talking. I know we had to leave in a while but I was so comfortable that I didn't want to. I noticed Tessa calling my name, but I didn't answer. I didn't open my eyes because I knew she would kiss me if I didn't wake up.
After a few called she went straight to my lips and I hugged her and kissed her back.

Tessa: oh, so this is how it works? (Laughing)
Chance: yup. I woke up while u were talking to Jake but I wanted u to kiss me so I pretended to be asleep.
Tessa: oh that was smart. But did u know that if u wanted a kiss u could just ask?
Chance: yeah but like this is fun!
Tessa: hahaha okay naughty boy. In 5 mins the cars are leaving so let's get everything ready.

I got out of bed and so did Tessa, I helped her carry all her bags downstairs and loaded them to the van. I was really excited for this trip. I have never been to a trip with all of T10. This will be interesting...

I'm sorry this is a short chapter. But I'm really busy with school and i promise than in less than a month I'll be back with the regular length. Hope u guys can understand me. ILYSM💜
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Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now