9.Chance and Tessa=Chessa?

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Chance POV
Our faces centimeters from each other. I was about to break that gab when I hear someone shout our names...

Jake: Did we arrive at a bad time?
Tessa: kinda
Erika: Sorry we didn't know!
Chance: Its okay.

I removed my hands under her letting her legs touch the ground again. We went back to the coast where the rest of the Team was.

Tessa POV
Well done Jake, your timing was perfect. He just ruined our special moment, something I wanted so much.

Tessa: How was the party?
Nick: It was really good although we   missed you guys!
Anthony: Yeah we did, you didn't seem to miss us tho. I guess you were pretty busy .
Chance: Shut up bro! Nothing happened between us.
Jake: you sure? It didn't seem that.(Laughing)
Tessa: yup 100% sure.
Everyone: if u say so...

*some minutes after*
Kade: k everyone gather together so we can take pics before the sun sets!

We took tons of pictures for everyones IG.

Jake: I want a chessa picture.
Kade: A what?
Jake: Chessa u know Chance and Tessa...
Kade: ohh sure! CHANCE!! TESSAA!! Come here please.

The sun was setting and Kade called me a Chance. When we get there he told us he wanted to take a picture of us together. Se stood one next to each other and just smiled.

Jake: nahh that's not goals. Chance grab her behind your back, that's cute.

When he said that Chance looked me in the eyes. I knew he was kind of asking if he could do it. He's su a gentleman. I nodded. He turns around and I jump into his back. We took some more cute pictures.
Now it was almost 7:30 PM so we all got it the cars to get back home, everybody hopped into the Team 10 van but as Chance and I came in my car, we had to leave the team and drive mine back.

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now