20.Is chessa real?

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Tessa POV:

I woke up in Vegas, with Nock slightly touching my arm.

Tessa: Hey!
Anthony: We arrived!!

I was sleeping on Chance's lap. I hadn't realized he was asleep so I whispered in his ear...

Tessa: Babe we arrived.

Chance POV:

I woke up with the sound of Tessa whispering something in my ear. My first reaction was to kiss her, I hadn't opened my eyes yet. Oh f**k! I forgot about Anthony and Nick. I opened my eyes as fast as I could and noticed Tessa looking at me in a wired way.

Tessa POV:

I enjoyed Chance's kiss don't get me wrong but WTH? Now everyone would know. I knew he realized what he did because of the way he opened his eyes after the kiss.
The car was stopped, everyone was still there and no one said anything for 1 minute straight.

Chance: Soooo
Anthony: yeah so.. what was that?
Tessa: Please don't tell anyone yet.
Chance: yeah... it is. But I need you to keep it a secret for a bit until we tell everyone.
Anthony: apart of us who else know?
Tessa: Erika, one day she walked into my room and saw us sleeping.
Nick: what? Since when is this going on?
Chance: like 2 months maybe....
Anthony: but 2 moths ago you guys fought and Chance, you were spending the bight at other girls house...
Chance: was I?
Nick: I don't understand ...
Tessa: do you remember when all of the team 10 members when to a party in San Diego and the next day we went to the beach and when you arrived Chance and I were almost kissing?
Anthony and Nick: yeah
Chance: well since that day we are like kind of dating.
Tessa: yeah the fight and the "food" was just for you and the fans not to suspect we were something more than friends!
Nick: Hahah I can't believe you did that and I believed you!!
Anthony: right man! Well played!
Chance and Tessa: Thanks

We all laughed and then got out of the car waiting the ones on the van to arrive so we could get in the house.
Once Jake came we entered everything.
We did the rooms division, Erika and me in one room, Anthony, Chance and Nick in another, Martinez, Chad and Tristan in another one and the biggest room was for Jake, Kade and Ray.

It was around 11 PM and no one had eaten yet, we were all really hungry so we went out for dinner. It was awesome. All the family togather!
After dinner we went home and everyone went to sleep after a really long day.

Thank you so much for 17K readers and 16,3K in IG!💜 Thank you for being patient. In a week I'll be done with tests so I'll post a lot more! ILYSM💛
IG: @_chessa__ /// @_chessa__.fanfic

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