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Tessa POV:

Once I was showered I wrapped myself in a towel and got out of the bathroom to look for something to put on. Chance was laying in my bed while watching Youtube videos. I was searching for the clothes in my closet and I feel Chance starting at me. I turn around and he was.

Tessa: what baby?
Chance: nothing.
Tessa: come on tell me. Ur starting at me! I know I need to go on a diet and workout more but still.
Chance: what? Can u repeat that again?
Tessa: that I need to go on a diet and workout more?
Chance: yeah. You know ur perfect right?
Tessa: no I'm not and people don't think that either.
Chance: who said that?
Tessa: the comments on mi videos and IG pics...
Chance: Tess r u kidding? You're literally perfect. Your body is perfect, you're the most wonderful woman I have ever met.
Tessa: you're just saying that bc u don't want me to feel bad.

After I said that Chance got up and approached me.

Chance: I would never lie to you. If the moment comes that ur ugly AF and fat and whatever, I will tell u I promise,  btw I know that moment won't ever happen. Believe in me, you don't have to trust those hates they are just jealous and want to be you.

Aww he was literally the sweetest guy on earth, I hugged him and he hugged me tighter, it was kind of strange bc I had to keep my towel in place but still hugged him.
I usually go to the bathroom to get changed bc I'm ashamed of my body but after all that I wasn't anymore.

Chance POV

After we finished hugging I went back to the bed and continue watching the video, Tessa usually goes to the bathroom to get changed but this time she didn't, now I know it was bc she was ashamed so no I know she feels more comfortable with herself. I knew this was a big step for her so even though I wanted I didn't look at her so she could gain more confidence. I know that one that she'll be ready.
She got change and I check my phone.

Chance: The Team 10 meeting its about to start let's go.

I got out of bed and got Tessa on my back, I took her downstairs while we were laughing. We got to the kitchen and everyone was there.

Jake: hey guys. Well I have some news!
Everyone: come on Jakee!! Tell us!!
Jake: well, u guys kneo that will all the drama going on and the hate and the fans and the neighbors it's time to move out. Well Nick and I worked so hard and we finally found a house to live. It's huge and it had plenty of rooms so we can keep adding members to T10. We still need to figure out the rooms but I guess we can do this tonight.
Tessa: wow that's awesome.
Anthony: yeah when are we moving?
Nick: well right now we have this house for 2 weeks more but we already have the keys to the other one so as soon as each one wants.
Jake: wow really I didn't know that.
Chance: well let's set the rooms and then start packing.

After almost 2 solid hours we had everything planned it was hard bc Team 10 members that didn't live in the house now that we have space will so it was a mess.
Room 1:Jake
Room 2: Tristan and Alex
Room 3: Nick
Room 4: Chad and Ray
Room 5: Martinez twins
Room 6: Kade and Nathan
Room 6: Erika
Room 7: Meg
Room 8: Anthony
Room 9: Chance and Tessa

We were offered to have individual rooms but we spent all the nights together so we decided to just share one.

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now