5.Dinner time

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Tessa POV:

So it's 4:30 pm and everyone is getting ready to leave for the party because it's in San Diego. Me and Chance are the only ones staying.

*some time later*
It's 7:30 pm , I'm laying on my bed and I'm hungry so I send Chance a message saying "Hey Chance, can you please come to my room? I need to ask you something."

Chance POV

When I got that meses from Tessa I got scared. I liked her so much and what is she wanted to talk about that? What if she didn't like the idea of me liking her? Anyways I went to her room and instead of entering the code I knocked the door.

Tessa: Come in Chance!
Chance: Hey Tessa! Do u need anything? (Nervously asked)
Tessa: I'm really hungry. Have you eaten?

Tessa POV:
When I asked that I could feel how Chance relaxed. I don't know what her though I would ask him...

Chance: nope I haven't!
Tessa: k, should we order something?
Chance: if u want... but if not I can cook you something!
Tessa: sure if you don't mind.
Chance: of course not.
Tessa: thank you so much, you're so sweet.
Chance: anytime.

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now