14.I'm the best kisser ever

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Tessa POV:

I was in the kitchen making some breakfast for me when I hear the Martinez, Chance, Anthony and Jake talking really loud about some type of competition. And that's when they all approached me.

*Minutes before*

Jake POV:
Idk why but all of a sudden Emilio, Ivan , Chance, Anthony and I were arguing about who was a better kisser. Of course it was me but they still kept saying they where better than me.

Jake: Guys, guys! The way of knowing that is making a kissing contest!
Emilio: I'm out bro
Anthony: chicken!!!
Jake: so we'll ask any girl from team 10 to kiss us all and them decide who was the best, of course she has to be blindfolded.

My firs option was Tessa but as Chance was here I decided that if I could find another girl I'd choose her not to make things awkward.
But no girl seemed to be home except of Tessa and that's when we all approached her.

Jake: Tessa?
Tessa: Yeah Jake.
Jake: so we have a thing going on and we all think we kiss better than the other... so would you be the "judge"? You have to be blindfolded and some of us will kiss you. After that you have to say which was the best one and we'll let you know who it was. Are u in?

Tessa POV:

I didn't know what to do! Chance and I weren't yet a couple but we were kind of dating. I didn't want he to think bad but when I looked at him I quickly understood what he meant with his look. It was just a kiss, they didn't mean anything.

Tessa: ok I'm doing it.
Jake: YESS! Thanks, while Kade blindfolds you me and the boys are going to set the turns.

Chance POV:

I was okay on Tessa accepting what Jake asked for, I knew she cared about me and this was just a kiss for a video that didn't mean anything.
We get out of the house to arrange the

Jake: Okay so I say we do this. First Anthony, second Ivan and third me.
Chance: wait and me?
Jake: yeah about that... I think you have to skip this one, it's Tessa who we're kissing, we heard she was still mad at you so I think it's the best thing to do.
Chance: k

I was angry but I could show it. I couldn't show that I was mad that I couldn't get to kiss the girl I was kind of dating. I accept tho. I couldn't do anymore mess...

Tessa POV:

So the first boy sits next to me, I was really excited. It was a short kiss but cute, I liked it.
The second one was really strange it wasn't a kiss, it was more like a peck...
I was really hoping the third one was Chance, I think I could recognize that way of kissing anywhere. The third boy sat next to me, grabbed my face and kissed me slowly. That was the best one yet, but still it wan't Chance, it wasn't in a passionate way as he always does. It was like a movie kiss where you kiss sexy but without feelings...

Jake: sooo Tessa!! Who won?

I took my blindfold, still sad Chance didn't get the CHANCE (hahah sorry it seemed funny in my head) of kissing me.

Tessa: well... the best kiss out of the three was theeee....... third one.
Jake: that's me!!!
Ivan and Anthony: congratulations man!
Jake: thanks.

After they finish recording I leave, I'm entering my room when I hear that someone is behind me... Chance!

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now