37. Monring babe

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Chance POV:
I knew Tessa didn't really like the movie, that she was just watching it because I liked it. As soon as she got on top of me I knew she would fall asleep but I was ok with that.
After 10 minutes she was passed out, I know I always think the same thing but she looks so cute when she's asleep, she's all peaceful.
The movie ended and I was tired, I was going to take Tessa to our room but this couches where so comfortable that I decided we would sleep here tonight. I moved Tessa's head from my chest a second, took my hoodie off and with my foots I took of mine and Tessa's shoes. I grabbed the blanket that was in the couch next to us and put it on top of Tessa. I wrapped mi arms around her and went to sleep.

Tessa POV:
I woke up at 9 AM. I had Chance's arm around me. Yesterday he did so much for me that I wanted to make something for him. I got up really carefully not to wake him up and went to the kitchen. I prepared his favorite breakfast and put it in a tray. I took it to the cinema room where we fall asleep yesterday night.

Tessa: hey baby

I say in a really soft voice while I kissed softly  and slowly his lips.

Chance: hello beautiful. How did u sleep?

His voice was so sleepy!!! Awww I love his morning voice.

Tessa: great, what could be wrong with sleeping with the love of my life's arms around me all cuddled up?
Chance: oh love of your life?
Tessa: hahaha stoppp!! (Laughing) you already know that.

I couldn't help but blushing idk why. I could see Chance noticed this and pulled me on top of him and hugged me really tight as he lest little kisses al around my face and neck.

Tessa: I love this but you always make me feel like a princess now I want YOU to be the special one.
Chance: but I like it when its u the important one. And btw I you're not a princess you are a queen to me.
Tessa: awe as always so cheesy. HAHAHAHA now eat the breakfast that I made for u!
Chance: yes mom.
Tessa: WHAT?

I tried to play serious but I couldn't help laughing.

Chance: I mean yes beautiful.
Tessa: ok I like it more now.

Chessa - Chance Sutton & Tessa Brooks (editing)Where stories live. Discover now