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Friday, July 20, 1869

Dear Diary, I have always been a loner. I've never had any family cause my parents died. When I was young I never knew my ma or my pa. I had to move from town to town my whole life I had to shoot, steal, cheat and lie to do what I had to do. To get where I am today and I'm still running from the law.Cause that's all I've ever really known. Paul closes his diary and he gets lonely. So he goes to the saloon to buy a shot of Whiskey and to play cards, so he sits down at the table. He lays his money down but the other card players at the table. They had noticed his gun, and his face from the wanted poster from the front of the saloon. They played for a few minutes Paul's luck was beginning to change. He had started winning hands left, and right then suddenly the other players at the table got suspicious, and they asked Paul. '' Have you been cheating" "No" he replied. They challenge him to a duel, and with Paul being the fastest gunmen in the West he had shot, and killed them liked it was nothing. Then Paul had gone to the hotel to go to his room and get changed up. He had taken off his bandana and cowboy hat and went to the closet and put on something nice he had stolen from his friend. He had gone into the bathroom and started to brush his teeth but also comb his hair. But Paul heads back into the saloon and that' where he met Maggie Esther Wellman. She was the most beautiful woman Paul had ever seen in his life. He knew it was love, at first sight, he goes over to Maggie, and starts talking to her and introduces himself "Hello Darlin I'm Paul 'Quick Gun' Cummings Greenwood what's your name darlin.'' then she had introduced herself to Paul " I'm Maggie Esther Wellman it's nice to meet ya" He then asked her to join him in having a drink with him she had accepted the offer. They had started talking and one thing led to another. However, they found themselves back at the hotel room in the bed with each other, and Paul said to her " Maggie you bring hope in my life I know we just met but I now know you're the one I've been searching for. They had made love that night, and although Paul was an outlaw, and Maggie was a God fearing woman. They had worked out their differences, and Maggie and Paul were inseparable. The next morning Paul gets up take a bath,and goes back to the saloon and sees her working and he orders a shot of Whiskey and some breakfast. He eats and then kisses her but Paul tries to make more money by robbing another bank. He gets out his magnum 44 pistol and demands all the money.He tried to make a getaway but this time the law shoots him in the leg. He gets away from the law barely. He makes it back to the saloon before passing out from the loss of blood. When he wakes up his new girlfriend Maggie was nursing him back to health.

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