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So Paul half way to town he decides that his love for Maggie was too strong for him to try to kill the lawman. So he heads back because he felt bad. For storming out the way he did when he returned back to the shack. He saw Maggie crying, and he said to Maggie ''My dear I'm sorry!" then she had said "Paul I'm sorry I got so angry, but I should've told you earlier I'm allergic to fish". He said to her "I'm sorry'' and ''I was gonna go to town to kill that darn Marshal who tried to gun us down, but my love for you made me". Change my mind half way there so I came on back. Then again they were both exhausted, so they went to bed and had makeup sex, and again fell asleep in each other's arms. So the next morning Paul and Maggie are just out for a nice leisurely ride when he sees a guy needing help. He says to the guy '' Howdy partner how can I help you?'' then Hank said to Paul ''I have been walking for days can you spare some water? If you can I'd really appreciate it''. So Paul hands him the canteen and Hank drink down, and he said to Paul ''Thank you.'' They both invite him to the shack for dinner, so Paul drops Maggie off, and Paul and Hank go hunting they kill a big ole buck, they skin it, fry it up, and they serve it to Maggie and they eat and go to bed. The next morning Paul asked Hank " How would you like to make some money?''. Hank had said to Paul "I'd love to, but I can't work due to my messed up leg". Paul said to Hank "All we have to do is wait on the side of the road and we will rob upcoming passengers, so they did they waited for an hour or more, and finally they see a person on a nice white horse, and they pull out their guns and said to the man. I want your horse, your golden pocket watch, and your wallet. The man fearing for his life and he gives it up, but then Hank being the dumb cowboy but he didn't pay attention to the traveling man because the man had a knife but Hank never saw the knife and he died instantly. Luckily for Paul, he was able to kill the traveler, and rode away.

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