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Later on that day Maggie is crying, and she said to Paul "We need to talk" and then Paul said to Maggie "Don't cry darling and what is it." Then she said to Paul "We're on the run" she had said to him. But Paul said to Maggie "Yes but there's no need to cry" however Maggie said to Paul "Yes I know but darling I'm pregnant!." But Maggie starts to cry even more but however Paul said to Maggie "Really?" and "That's great why you crying darling?" then Maggie said to Paul "Because I'm afraid you'll leave."  With a big smile on Paul face because he always dream of having a family, he then replied to Maggie "Honey I'd never leave you because you are everything to me but also making me the happiest man ever by being pregnant with my child and that me and you can start a family together and I love you Maggie and I will always love you darling." Maggie had got a smile on her face and then she gave Paul a hug and she wrap her arms around him and held on tight to him so he will never let her go and he hug her back tightly so he will never let her go. Paul and Maggie had started to kiss each other, and they had gone to the bed and they started to make sweet passionate love,when they were done making love they had fell asleep into each other arms that night. The next morning they wake and Maggie said to Paul "Paul I wanna get married,before the baby is born." Paul had said to Maggie "But how? and nobody will marry us because we are an interracial couple." Maggie had said to Paul "I don't care I want us to live together as husband, and wife but they kiss, as they go for a walk to enjoy the country summer breeze. They go into town later that day Paul, and Maggie go into a jewelry shop, and Paul picks out a ring, and slips it on Maggie finger, and whispers softly I love you, Paul pays for it and they walk out the door, and they kiss, and rode off in the sunset. Later on that day they were riding back home, and they met a couple named Henry, Elizabeth Waltman. They were stranded because someone shot, and killed their horse, and asked for a ride to the nearest town which was Tyler,Texas. When they got there they needed a place to sleep so Paul, and Maggie take them to the nearest hotel, but by this time Paul, and Maggie were exhausted so they too got a room and settled in, and Paul wrote in his diary.

Sunday July 23,1869
Dear Diary, my life is perfect, my life is complete. I found my significant other, and she's pregnant. We met a couple named the Waltman's, and now I feel liked my life is complete. He didn't close his diary and he went to sleep. But Maggie couldn't sleep and she was having pains, and she was having strange cravings, so she got up from the bed, and starts to head out the door. Until she turns around to see Paul's diary was opened. She reads it knowing that if Paul found out she read it he'd be a little agitated at her. However, she read about how his life was now complete, so she decided to write in her diary.

Sunday July 23,1869
Dear Diary, Paul is amazing, our new friends are amazing, I just hope Paul doesn't find out I read his diary because he don't like to show his sensitive side often, but I thank God for all the blessings in my life, and the greatest blessing of all is my wonderful husband to be, and our growing baby inside of me. Maggie then goes down stairs, and got her some food and she gets a pickle, some mustard, and she eats it together, and she goes back upstairs to see Paul sleeping sweetly, so she kisses him softly, and got back in bed with him and she wraps her arms around him, and she falls asleep.

Paul 'Quick Gun' Cummings Greenwood : The Story You Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now