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So the next day Paul gets up real early before sunup, and is roaming the streets to find more people to be in the gang, so that Paul can take revenge on all the marshals so that he can keep his promise to Cherry Blossom his beloved horse. Paul finds a middle aged cow rustler by the named of Clint Bowman and his two younger brothers William Gee Bowman and Art Bowman. Clint, William Gee, and Art tell Paul, that they are experienced in killing people, and stealing horses, but also breaking them. Paul tells them "I need a new horse!'' then Paul said "If y'all could help me out and I'd really appreciate it!." Two Paul said to them ''I want to get even with a few lawmen and can y'all help me?'' then the Bowman brothers said to Paul ''Yes!.'' So they go inside the Bowman's ranch house to get their plans drew out, but in the mean time Paul tells them ''I'll be back I have to go back to my hotel in town to check on my wife, and family. So Paul starts to ride back to the hotel on his new horse Strawberry Sunshine. Paul gets back to the hotel room happy, and Maggie said "Honey why so happy?''then Paul said to her "I killed two birds with one darn stone honey!" Maggie said "How?" then Paul said "Well I met a few cattle rustlers, and I recruited them to help me kill the lawmen, and I got a new horse!." Her name is Strawberry Sunshine said Paul however, Paul goes over to the table and writes in his diary and he wrote was.

Dear Diary, I'm gonna get even with those son of a guns after all, and I'm keeping my promise to my beloved horse Cherry Blossom, and I have a new horse named Strawberry Sunshine.

Paul 'Quick Gun' Cummings Greenwood : The Story You Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now