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Maggie started fixing Paul his plate and hers, she had bought Paul his plate and a glass of whiskey. Paul had asked Maggie "you want some whiskey? and where Clara at?." Maggie said to Paul "no I'm fine darling I just wanted some water! and Clara in the bed sleep but I also fed her too and she's growing Paul!." " I know Maggie and you are a great mother, I love you Maggie with all my heart!" said Paul then Maggie said to Paul " thanks, sweetheart I love you too and you're a great father and husband!." While they were eating their dinner Paul had noticed Maggie was acting strangely, Paul had slammed his silver wear and his hands on the table. But Paul stood up and look at Maggie but also said to her "whats wrong with you women? say it, woman! you look liked you seen a ghost liked you scared or something because your shaking and you looking left and right! are you hiding something woman?." Maggie didn't answer she had sat there quiet and Paul had got very angry then said to Maggie. "is their somebody in here?" "no" Maggie replied then Paul said, "are you lying to me, Maggie?"  "no" said Maggie. Paul then walked away from the table and check in the bathroom, but also every room, Paul then check under the bed, and in the closet. Paul then went back and sat down at the table even though he was relief he didn't find anybody in there. Paul was thinking to himself was Maggie on her period but Paul told Maggie to stand up and she did but while Maggie was standing Paul had got up from the chair and walk towards Maggie however, Paul had kissed Maggie but he had put his hand on her stomach. Paul had felt something was wrong with her stomach,Paul had asked Maggie "baby what's wrong with your stomach? because something don't feel right!" but while Paul was rubbing all over Maggie's stomach to see what was wrong then Maggie started to giggle and she loved Paul touching all over her stomach then she said to Paul "Paul I'm pregnant!." Paul was very happy and he picked up Maggie,hugging her while they were spending around, then he put Maggie down but then Paul kiss Maggie but also held her. However, Paul then said to Maggie "that means Clara going to have a brother or sister?" Maggie said "yes Paul!." As they were hugging each other they kissed but when they were done hugging they had gone into the room and went to sleep. While they were sleeping Paul was tossing and turning but he had woken up Maggie. Maggie had said to Paul "are you okay darling?" Paul responded to Maggie's question "no darling I can't sleep and I have something to get off my chest!." "what is it Paul?" said Maggie however,Paul was scared to get it out but he told Maggie "well Maggie I had sex with another woman and we been meeting up all week in another hotel in a different town!" Maggie then said to Paul "I know Paul and I took Thunder one day and I followed you and her Paul!" "you did what?" said Paul then Maggie said to Paul "I followed you to the White Cherry Saloon and the hotel, I seen it all Paul I didn't see y'all have sex but I seen you with Sarah Jo Lewis and I seen you took the box and threw the letters on the ground but also peeing on them but you also was laughing but however,you said to yourself you didn't love her because you was just using her for sex but then you said you love me and I was your one true love!."

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