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Dear Diary, I hate that I am away from my family for a few days, because I am really missing my wife, and my children right about now. Because being away from your wife, your children can make anybody go insane but I know it's the best for us to be away from each other because I want Maggie to come back to her senses and be calm when I come back. But another thing I wish I was there with Maggie right now because seeing her picture today made me broke down into tears because I am missing her but she also wanted by the law. However, I hope I can see my wife, children soon because I love them and I miss them so dearly. After Paul was done writing in his diary he had tore a piece of paper out of his diary but also closed it and started writing to the nice hotel lady who was his, Maggie's fan. Paul had taken a photo of him and Maggie together out of his wallet so he could signed it so the nice hotel lady could have. While Paul was thinking on what he was going to write that's when Paul had thought of it, Paul had turned the photo over, and he had taken his pen but wrote on the back of the picture which he wrote was. " To mines, Maggie's number one fan a photo of us we are giving to you so you could add it to your collection, and because we see that you keep up with us but we want you to cherish but also take care of this picture. Although we are giving it to you because we see that you love us, that your our biggest fan, and we also love you too."- Signed Paul'Quick Gun' Cummings Greenwood and Maggie Esther Wellman Greenwood. As Paul was done writing on the back of the picture of him and Maggie. Paul had got up from the table and  started yawning but also stretching out his hands. But Paul had started heading over to the bed, he took off his boots,  pulled back the covers but also the sheets, and got into the bed and gone to sleep. While Paul was sleeping he was dreaming about Maggie but all of a sudden that's when Paul was woken up by a knock on the door, when Paul was getting out the bed, and turning on the light but that's when Paul seen a letter to him that has been written by Someone the name of George. However, the letter George had wrote to Paul had"Dear Paul, You might not know me but I know you, we have a whole lot to discuss over a shot of whiskey at the saloon right beside the hotel, and I hope you show up Paul because this is really important and I have a whole lot to tell you but also discuss about but I'll see you at the saloon soon" - Signed George. Paul had said to himself "What does this fella want from me, I don't even know him, and I've never in my life met someone name George!" but what Paul doesn't know is that George is the sheriff of the town and Paul thought it was weird that  George want to talk to a known outlaw because of all the people,marshals,and people he does not know but also town folks want to capture or kill Paul. Although Paul was shock, nervous at the same time that's when he put his boots back on and took off his bandana because tonight he didn't need it because Paul didn't want anyone to recognize him.

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