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The next day Clint, is in terrible shape, Clint done lost a lot of blood and Clint then told Maggie he was sorry. Clint had explained and Clint said to Maggie "I'm sorry I was an butthole, but I was hurting can you please forgive me!." Maggie then replies to Clint "I'm God fearing, and I can't hold a grudge against you because after all we're all Gods children, and no ones sins are worse than the next." So Maggie forgave him, but Maggie said to him "If you ever cuss like that again around me or say any bad words in my house I'll beat the heathen out of you!." Paul then goes to the table after a long night of riding, drinking, fighting, and gambling, and Paul gets his diary.
Dear Diary, I'm a lucky man I don't know how! or why? I'm so blessed, but thank you for the blessings you had given me, and thank you for my wife, and my adopted daughter Clara, and Lord Please let my heathen outlaw bandit friend Clint make it out okay from this wound, and give me the strength, and courage not to bust a cap in his butt. Paul had wrote in his diary. Paul had close his diary and then said to Maggie "I'm getting tired, let's say goodnight to the heathen!" so they did, and they gone to the bed, they had started making passionate love again, and Maggie screams "Harder Oh Harder Paul!." Maggie screams, but she wakes up the whole house, and Clint said "Shut the hell up with that people are trying to sleep!." Paul had got up out the bed then Paul runs in there where Clint was, and said to Clint out of anger " Get your ungrateful ass up, and get the hell outta my house before I kill you!" Paul had said to Clint. Clint then hobbles outside, rides away. Paul goes back in the room, and tells Maggie what happened Maggie, and Paul talk about it, and Maggie said " Paul that wasn't right that you kicked him out, but you did what you had to do!." They both fell asleep in after a night of passionate love making, and kicking out a true heathen.

Paul 'Quick Gun' Cummings Greenwood : The Story You Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now