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On the ride back Maggie had fell off her horse Lighting because Lighting bucks her off of him because Lighting was spooked by a rattlesnake, and Paul shoots the snake and got off of Cherry Blossom and gets Maggie up from the ground and put her back on Lighting and rode home. But half way back Maggie had seen blood running down her leg, and she knew something ain't right. Maggie then found out that she just miscarried their baby due to that fall she had took when Lighting had bucked her off of him. Maggie walks in crying, so Paul asked her " Honey are you okay?" then Maggie said to Paul "Do I look okay? we lost our baby today!" she cried even more thinking about it. Paul then tries to comfort her by saying to her "It'll be okay I love you!" he said. But Paul also had hugged and held her tightly close to him in this time of grieving. But Maggie said to him " Get outta my sight! Go leave me alone! Paul does as Maggie requested him to. Paul goes to the saloon, and seen Henry, and Henry said to Paul "Hey partner let's celebrate!"and Paul said to Henry "No thanks!" however Henry said to Paul "Come on! I just found out Elizabeth is pregnant!" he said to Paul. But Paul said to Henry in a pissed off way "I don't wanna celebrate God darn it!" "But why?" Henry asked angrily but then Paul said to Henry "Maggie miscarried our baby today! then Henry said to Paul " Paul I'm so sorry partner I didn't know!" and Paul said to Henry "It's okay partner!" that's when Henry had comfort Paul and bought him a shot of whiskey and Paul gets up and walks out. Paul was thinking of suicide, but he doesn't kill him self, only for his love and for his newly wedded wife Maggie. Jeff then hears Maggie crying in the other room, so he walks in, and Maggie told Jeff about the miscarriage, Jeff said to Maggie "I'm sorry Maggie, I hope things get better!." Maggie hugs Jeff, and he tries to comfort her but Maggie tells Jeff "I'm a horrible person, I told Paul to get outta my sight and I was rude, I was mean, but heck it isn't his fault!." Jeff said to Maggie "Give him time he will return after all he's married!" and Jeff walks out, and Maggie writes in her diary.
Dear Diary, We lost our baby today. I was rude to Paul, and I need him but this is horrible for us to lose our precious gift from above, but God has a plan and I just hope Paul comes back to me real soon, but thank you God for all the gifts, and the blessings you've given me. It's not our time to have a baby just yet, but someday it will no matter what I will never stop loving my sweet husband Paul. However, Paul then comes in drunk, depressed, and pissed off he tells Maggie " Don't talk to me woman, you pushed me away, now I don't want to talk, I came back to sleep off this booze, we'll talk more in the morning.

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