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"Why?" said Paul but then Maggie said to Paul "Well you cheated on me darn you, I'm really irritated at you, and you heathen get behind me Satan!." However, Paul said to Maggie "How did you kill her Maggie?", Maggie said to Paul " I beat her with my hands, I hit her with the wooden rod I found, and I slit her throat with a Bowie knife I also had found on a table!", and then Maggie said to Paul again " Let's go god darn it!." Although Paul was shock by the way Maggie had talk to him but he also had said to her " Maggie You are a God fearing woman!, Why are you using the Lords name in vain, and What is wrong with you woman?." Then Maggie said to Paul" Because I'm angry at you, Sarah Jo, and I just had to kill her but now it's time for you to die!." However, Maggie then tries to kill Paul, she fails because Paul tripped her, and she ran after him with his own hunting knife but however Paul got on his horse but also rode off in the night. While Maggie was still at the hotel room, she started to panic but also think of what she was going to do, and to get herself out of what she did. However, Maggie had started crying because she had let her raged chase away the man she loved, and also killed somebody. Even though Maggie has a plan but she had put her diary in the box, that Sarah Jo had gave Paul but also Maggie had put pictures, and other items in the box. Although Maggie had looked in the nightstand to see if Paul's diary was still there but when Maggie look in the night stand, saw Paul's diary was gone, and Maggie was scared but also did not know what she was going to do. That's when she heard a bang on the door, a man said to Maggie, and that was " This is Marshal Williamson come out with your hands up! Because your under arrest for the murder of Sarah Jo Lewis!." But Maggie had responded back to Marshal Williamson " Give me one minute Marshal because I have no clothes on!." While Marshal Williamson was still standing at the door, that's when Maggie, and Clara but also the box had gone out the window. However, Maggie had Clara in her other hand, and climbed down the ladder. When Maggie was done climbing down the ladder but Maggie had picked up the box, ran over to where Thunder was at, and Maggie had strapped the box onto Thunder so it won't fall off of him but Maggie but also Clara both got on Thunder and  they rode off into the night. Marshal Williamson had kicked down the door, when he walked in but he had saw that Maggie was gone, and Marshal Williamson was outraged that a woman had out smarted him. However, when he was done in the hotel room, Marshal Williamson had seen a picture on the ground, and it was Maggie but he had picked up the picture but also took it back to the station with him. When Marshal Williamson got to the station, he had told his crew to make out wanted posters of Maggie Esther Wellman Greenwood, and" because she was the one who killed my ex girlfriend Sarah Jo Lewis!" said Marshal Williamson.

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