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Paul comes back with a shovel and buries Hank. It was getting late and he knew he needed to get back to Maggie. He rides back to Maggie with both Cherry Blossom and Lightning. He returns to see Maggie asleep so he kisses her and goes to the table to write in his diary.

July 22, 1869

Dear Diary, I made a new friend but lost him. He died helping me rob a traveling man. He got stabbed by him and I took his wallet just before I buried him. It contained 3 dollars and a picture of his beautiful wife and children, and him. I kept it all in memory of him so that it'll remind me of the brief friendship we shared. So the next morning Maggie was concerned and asked Paul ''Darling why haven't you been to bed?.'' He replied ''I have some bad news about Hank and he died late yesterday evening.'' Maggie with tear-filled eyes said "What happened?'' then Paul explains to Maggie that Hank died while trying to help rob the unknown traveler, Paul tells Maggie ''Some good came out of it.'' However, Maggie said ''How?'' then Paul said to Maggie ''I got you a horse and his name is Lightning'' and Maggie said to Paul ''That's sweet, but I don't care about that! All I need is you, Paul!.'' Although Maggie was sad for Hank, at the same time she was so happy that Paul wasn't harmed. Maggie kissed Paul, and one thing led to another, and they made love in a fit of passion. That night Maggie had sat down at the table and writes in her diary.

    July 22, 1869

Dear Diary, I have had a bad and rough life I was born into slavery, and I got beat daily by my slave owner. He made me go without food and water. For days thanking God, I was able to run away from it but I never knew my ma or my pa because we were separated at the slave auction when I was a baby. I prayed to God that someday I would get freed, but that day never came so I freed myself. My life was hard, but I'm grateful for my freedom, and I am grateful that the Lord made it possible for me to meet Paul. He's my life, made love to me, treat me with respect but also make me smile, but he also took my virginity and he's such a good lover. But I wonder how he will react when he finds out I'm pregnant and I'm scared outta my mind she had written in her diary.

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