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While George and Tilly were waiting on Paul they even had questions of their own to ask him too. However, Paul was still in his hotel room he had said to himself " I need to write in my diary!." Paul had taken his diary out of the nightstand and put it on the table but also pull the chair from the table and sat down at the table to start writing in his diary. Paul had wrote July 30, 1869, Dear Diary, I had found out I have a brother, sister, and a grandmother. I never knew I had a family because I've been an orphan all my life. They even told me their name and my grandmother name who is still living but our parents are both dead. I know their names too my Pa, my Ma name Bill and Katie, my brother name George, my sister name Tilly, and my grandmother name Virginia Mae. I wish my wife, children were here with me I miss them every single day, and I also cry myself to sleep at night but my brother George want me to stay with him but I will so I have to go diary I will write in you another time. When Paul was done writing in his diary he had put it in his suitcase and grab the box then he closed his suitcase had put his hat on but also his bandana then Paul walk towards the door, open it, and walked out the room. However, Paul had walked down the stairs, walk towards the hotel door, and when Paul walk out the door that's when George said "your ready baby brother?" "yes I'm ready big brother!" said Paul. George had tied Paul's suitcase, box down on to Strawberry Sunshine so it wouldn't fall off, when George was done he had said to Paul "Your all set, lets go baby brother, and you will follow me all the way to my house!." Paul had responded back to George " okay big brother!" Paul had got on Strawberry Sunshine, they both road off into the dark and Paul followed George. On the other side of town Maggie had arrived to the closes hotel she could find. She had pulled up to the hotel on lighting, rode him around back of the hotel, got off of lighting walked towards the front of the hotel with Clara in her hands, and walked in the hotel. When Maggie got in the hotel she had walked up to the front desk, and asked for a room the manager gave her the key to her room. Maggie had said " Thank you!" to the manager then the manager had said "Your welcome Miss!" with out even looking from the  newspaper he was reading while Maggie was standing there.

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