Cassian: Jyn, Kay, and I will go get the plans. Baze and Chirrut, keep the troops off our backs and distract them on my mark. Bodhi, keep the ship running because you're out only way of of here
Bodhi: omg Cassian. Why don't we just take out the guards around this area, then send K2 in alone to get the plans since he's basically programmed to do it all in the first place. Kay can return back here and we get out! Badda bing badda boom everyone lives!
Cassian: Yeah but what if someone important needs to die to advance the plot?
Bodhi: We'll just politely ask them to become an unnecessary background character

rogue 1 crack
RandomWhat am I doing with my life..? A collection of how Rogue One went down. IN CRACK FORM!! Some mature humor.