Buh puh muh fuh duh

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Jyn: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Cassian: To get to the dark side. Duh

Bodhi: Because he wanted to flip off the turkey who was going to other way?

Baze: Because he came first and not the egg?

K-2SO: Because the walk sign turned on?

Chirrut: Because he wanted to eat at JarDonalds?

Jyn: No! Because he didn't see the car coming!

Krennic: that's lame

Gareth Edwards: What do you get when you combine a little disc, six people, and a big ball?

Cassian: The Big Bang?

Bodhi: A Disc-o Ball? 😎

Baze: Idk

Chirrut: A plot twist, the big ball is a little disc and the people are spinning on it

K-2SO: A Death Star with workers?

Jyn: Chefs making doughnuts?

Krennic: Sibling rivalry?

Gareth Edwards: No. The Ending of Rogue One

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