Bodhi: Do you ever look at someone and wonder "What is going on inside their minds?"
Galen: *thinking* How many ways can I screw with the Empire?
Lyra: *thinking* I wonder what would have happened if I shot first?
Baze: *thinking* If I had a dollar for every time someone said the word 'the' I would be hella rich!
K-2SO: *thinking* How much more Morton's Salt do I need to add to achieve maximum saltiness?
Cassian: *thinking* Bodhi, Jyn, or a threesome? Why is this so hard to choose??!
Chirrut: *thinking* How the Kriff am I 54 and still a virgin?
Krennic: *thinking* Ratchet ass hoe I don't fuck around
If you fuck with my Galen I'll burn your house downSaw: *screaming* THE WORLD IS COMING UNDONE!!!
Bodhi: On second thought, it's probably better not to know.

rogue 1 crack
RandomWhat am I doing with my life..? A collection of how Rogue One went down. IN CRACK FORM!! Some mature humor.