| one | snow days ❄️

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| Mike's POV |
I woke up to El with her hands on my shoulders, shaking me because of what she had seen outside the window. It was just snow, but to her, it was something completely different. I guess she had never seen it before, being trapped in that horrible lab. She seemed so happy to see all the white snow on the ground of Hawkins, Indiana. I love seeing her this happy. She literally makes me the happiest person alive. We aren't dating, but I wish we were. I always finally feel like I'm gonna kiss her again or ask her to be my girlfriend, but when I actually go to do it, I get way to nervous and chicken out. But hey, maybe today will be the day that I do it. The snow, El and I together, it'll be perfect!
| El's POV |
I woke up to this pretty, white, fluffy stuff on the ground. I automatically ran to Mike's room to wake him up. I'm so excited! I've never seen anything like this.
| Mike's POV |
El and I got up and went downstairs to make some Eggos for breakfast. I love how she loves Eggos. Then we got dressed in some warm clothing for the adventurous snow day ahead of us! When El and I got outside I saw her eyes light up with wonder and amazement. God she's the most beautiful, amazing creature on this earth, I thought. At first she was skeptical to touch the snow but eventually she touched it and fell in love. That's when I thought we could have a snowball fight.
"Let's have a snowball fight El." -Mike.
"Snowball?!" -El said, remembering the promise Mike kept that night at the gym.
| F L A S H B A C K |
• "Just hold on a little longer okay? He's gone. The bad man's gone. We'll be home soon, and my mom, she'll get you your own bed and you can eat as many Eggos as you want, and we can go to the Snowball. -Mike •
• "Promise?" -El. •
• "Promise." -Mike •
| E N D O F F L A S H B A C K |
"You remembered?" -Mike.
"Promise. Something you can't break. I remembered." -El.
| Mike's POV |
You could probably see me blushing from a mile away at this point.
"Well this isn't the dance, that's in a couple of weeks. This is snow in the shape of a ball." -Mike.
"Snow?" -El.
"This white, fluffy stuff on the ground, it's called snow." -Mike.
"Oh, snow is pretty." -El.
"Yeah, like you." -Mike.
| Mike's POV |
Oh my gosh, did I really just say that?! I can't believe I just said that. Oh my gosh!
"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I said tha-" -Mike.
"Mike?" -El.
"Yeah?" -Mike.
At that moment, El leaned in and kissed Mike on the cheek.
| Mike's POV |
"El?" -Mike.
"Yeah Mike?" -El.
He kissed her.
They both pulled away smiling.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" -Mike.
"Girlfriend?" -El.
"It's when a boy and a girl like each other a lot and they care about each other and they can do what we just did." -Mike said laughing and blushing.
"Of course Mike." -Mike.
| T I M E S K I P |
Mike and El went inside after a long, exciting day. They got some hot chocolate while they sat by the fireplace. They were both snuggled in a warm blanket with Mike's arm around El.
"El?" -Mike.
"Yeah Mike?" -El.
"I love snow days." -Mike said smiling.
"Me too." -El.

                          | T H E  E N D |

Hey guys it's the author! Did y'all like that? It's my first one shot I've ever written. I will update as much as I can. Suggestions are welcome btw! Hope y'all enjoyed that! Bye. xoxo

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