| six | makeup 💄

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(Authors note: btw I might try a lot of different set ups, idk which one I like so yeah.)

It was just a normal Saturday, Mike and El were both in the basement doing nothing, Nancy was at Steves, and Karen and Holly were grocery shopping. Mike and El were bored.

I'm so bored, maybe El wants to do something, because I do. We've been sitting in the basement just looking at the walls for what seems like forever.

"El do you want to do something? I'm so bored." -Mike.
"Yeah. Do you wanna do my m-makeup?" -El said struggling to say the word right.
"Makeup?" -Mike.
"Yeah, Nancy taught me about it. It seems fun and pretty. I don't know how to do it. Do you?" -El.
"Not good, but I'm sure I could try, anything for you El." -Mike.
"Yay!" -El said excitedly.

They walked up to Nancy's room and got her makeup bag, they came back downstairs and opened it. Mike didn't know what to do what half the things he saw, but he wanted to try and do it for El.

What have I gotten myself into?

First he applied foundation, then blush, next was eyeshadow, then mascara, and lastly he was applying lipgloss. He noticed all the tiny details about her while doing this, like when she blushes, she looks down and smiles or when she smiles but doesn't show her teeth, she has the cutest dimples on her cheeks. She was absolutely adorable to him. While he was applying lipgloss he noticed how perfect her lips were, he couldn't help it. He leaned in and kissed her gently.

"I'm so sorry El, I didn't mean t-" -Mike.
Before he could finish his sentence, El kissed him. Yes, El kissed him.
"Wh-why'd you do that?" -Mike.
"Because you shouldn't be apologizing, I liked it. I like you." -El.
"I like you too El." -Mike.
They were both blushed in silence for what seemed like forever when Mike broke the silence.
"All done." -Mike.
He gave her a mirror. And she looked in it with hope in her eyes.
"Pretty." -El.
"Yeah. Really, really pretty." -Mike said while looking at her in awe.

She is literally the most perfect human being on this earth. How did I get to lucky to find her in the woods that night. Wow.

After that, they sat down in the couch in the basement with Mike's arm around her. They weren't talking but just enjoying each other's company. They were so happy just to be with each other, that they didn't care that they weren't doing anything. Just being with each other was enough for both of them.

| T H E E N D |

Yes I know, it was short but it was short
and cute. I hope y'all liked it. I loved writing this one. I thought this was really cute. Remember suggestions are welcome, thanks for reading! Xoxo 😘

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