| twenty nine | stay with me

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it was a chilly december night when jane hopper was sitting in her cozy cabin in the woods. hopper was a work and she was quite lonely, she always is. he's always working and mike's at school.

but today. today was different. mike was on christmas holidays. so he's at home for two weeks.

oh how she wished her boy would come see her. she missed mike wheeler so much. she don't know how she made it that whole year she couldn't see him.

then she heard he knock on her window. as she got up to see what was making the noise she hoped it was mike at the window. she hoped he could just sit and stay and talk with her.

as she opened the window, she saw him. she saw her boy.


"hi baby."

"i missed you so much. i was hoping you would come see me!"

"i missed you too beautiful. so much. can i spend the day with you?"

"yes. but won't you get in trouble with your mom? for sneaking out?"

"i don't care. all i want is to be here with you. baby, i missed you."

"okay. i'm so excited! we can cuddle or watch tv or anything!!"
jane said practically yelling at him because she was so excited that he was there with her.

"we can go sit in the couch and watch any show you want, angel."

jane said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the couch in the living room.

she turned on one of her favorite shows while mike put his arm around her and held her tightly. he was really enjoying himself. he loved this girl so much. just seeing her happy made him happy.

they sat there watching tv cuddled up in blankets and surrounded my pillows for a good two hours before jane started getting sleepy.

after a while she couldn't handle it and fell asleep in mike's arms. he looked down at her and thought to himself how lucky he was to have found this beautiful creation.

he eventually feel asleep with her in his arms.

after a while he woke up and realized that hopper would probably be home soon and he should leave so she doesn't get in trouble.

"hey baby, wake up."

"hey cutie."
jane said while looking up at him and bopping his nose. he couldn't contain his grin.

"i need to go. hopper with be here soon and i don't want you to get in trouble."
mike said while shifting out of his seat to leave.

"mike, stay with me, please. i'll just tell hopper that i was lonely and i missed you so you came over."
jane was really trying to convince him to stay because she didn't want to say goodbye again. she didn't know how long she would have to go without seeing him after today.

"are you sure?"

"yes. please."

"okay baby. anything for you."
mike said while returning to his spot on the couch with jane in his arms.

"i love you."
jane said while looking into his eyes. this was the first time either of them have said this. she had watched so many shows on tv with couples who say that and realized the meaning behind those three words.

they meant that no matter what happens, you're gonna stay with the person you love. if you love someone, you care about them a dm want them in your life no matter what rules you have to break. you always want to be with the person you truly love.

"i love you too."
mike said, shocked that those words came out of her mouth. he truly loved her and was happy that he was able to show her how much he cared for her.

the two teenagers settled back down on the couch with love filled hearts. they really don't know what they'd do without each other.

GUESS WHOS BACK!!! okay i just wanna say that i'm happy and positive and yay!! guys while i was gone, my story went from 40k to 73k WHAT THE HECK DUDES

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GUESS WHOS BACK!!! okay i just wanna say that i'm happy and positive and yay!! guys while i was gone, my story went from 40k to 73k WHAT THE HECK DUDES. y'all are amazing!!! anyway thank y'all for sticking by me with the whole anxiety and me not posting. it means a lot. lots of love babies!💕

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