| twenty three | baby ❤️

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Today was a special day for Mike and El, but you'll figure out why later.

Mike had just gotten home form school and like always, El was waiting in the basement for her boyfriend.

Mike came downstairs with the biggest smile on his face, it's the same smile on his face everyday, because he saw El.

"Hey El!" -Mike.

"Hey Mike." -El said running up and hugging him.

"Did you have a good day?" -Mike.

"No, but it just got so much better." -El said smiling while looking up at him, still hugging him.

"Why'd you have a bad day?" -Mike.

"Because you weren't here." -El.

"Well I am now baby." -Mike.

But then he realized what just called El, for the first time.

He quickly covered his mouth like it was going to change the fact that he just called her baby.

"Baby?" -El.

"I didn't mean to call you that, I'm sorry." -Mike.

"What's it mean?" -El.

"Well baby is what you call someone you are dating and that you like a lot." -Mike.

"What if you love someone, what do you call them?" -El.

"You call them baby too." -Mike.

"Well I'm gonna call you baby, because I love you." -El.

"O-okay. I'll call you that too, because I love you too princess." -Mike said smiling at his beautiful girlfriend.

El didn't ask what princess meant, she knew. That was her usual name from Mike. She loved it. But baby, well that's better in her opinion.

"Okay baby." El said smiling.

"Okay baby." -Mike. 

And there they stood, in the basement, hugging their baby. That moment was perfect. It was just them. It felt like they were the only two people in the world.

- - -

And that right there is why today was such a special day for that beautiful couple.

I'm sorry it's short, but it's short at cute

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I'm sorry it's short, but it's short at cute. 😂🙃

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