| thirteen | truth or dare 🤷🏼‍♀️

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this was requested by megmax679 ! thanks so much for the request! it's great. hope you enjoy :) •
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It was a regular day at the Wheeler house. The boys were over with Mike and El was sleeping in her fort while the boys played truth or dare.

"Truth or dare Lucas?" -Dustin.

"Truth." -Lucas

"Do you like Max?" -Dustin.

"W-what?" -Lucas said blushing.

"You heard me." -Dustin.

"M-maybe." -Lucas said while looking down at his lap still blushing.

"I KNEW IT." -Dustin.

"Don't tell anyone. Okay?" -Lucas.

"Okay." -Dustin.

"Okay my turn, truth or dare Mike?" -Lucas.

"Dare... oh I'm gonna regret this." -Mike.

"Okay. I dare you to pretend like you hate El for a day and a half." -Lucas.

"Wait what? I can't do that." -Mike.

"You have to. It's a dare." -Lucas.

"Ugh okay fine." -Mike.

They went about their day, and El finally woke up. She kept trying to talk to Mike but he was ignoring her and he was being mean to her. She didn't know what was wrong.

"Mike?" -El.

"Go away El." -Mike.

"Why?" -El.

"I don't want to talk to you El." -Mike said feeling guilty.

"What did I do Mike?" -El.

"Your annoying El." -Mike.

"I'm sorry Mike." -El said not knowing what she did.

El walked out with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She didn't know what she did and she wanted the old Mike back. The nice Mike.

They went to sleep and the next day El wanted to do something special for Mike, and show him how sorry she was.

She decided she was going to make Eggos for him. She tried her best to make them for him like he made them for her. But she failed. She made a huge mess. She felt horrible. Then Mike walked in to the kitchen and saw the mess she had made.

"What did you do?" -Mike said yelling.

"Mike I'm sorry. I wanted to do something special for you." -El said crying.

"Well you messed everything up." -Mike

"Mike, I'm sorry." -El said still crying.

"Just go. I'll fix this."  -Mike said annoyed.

El went upstairs and felt bad. After a while Mike was in his room and El made more Eggos without making a mess this time. She took them to Mike's room and gave them to him.

"Mike, here. I'm sorry." -El said while handing him the Eggos.

"El. Leave me alone." -Mike said while throwing the Eggos at her. He felt really guilty.

She left the room and sat in the basement and cried. She wanted to make everything better.

El made a card for Mike. She wanted Mike to forgive her. She missed him.

El walked into Mike's room with the card. She handed it to him and smiled a little, hoping he would forgive her. He read the heart shaped card out loud.

"I'm sorry Mike. I love you."

The card that El made me was adorable. I feel really bad doing this. I can't believe Lucas dared me to do this to her.

He ripped the card up at threw the pieces at her. He yelled at her.

"If you mess with me one more time, I'm sending you back to the lab El." -Mike.

"Mike, no I'm sorry." -El said crying and and running into Nancys room because they were home alone.

I feel so bad. I'm gonna go apologize to her.

Mike walks in to Nancys room to hear El saying horrible things to herself.

"Mike hates me."

"He'll never love me."

"He'll never forgive me."

Mike walked over to El and sat down by her. He hugs her and tells her that it was all a dare.

"El I'm so sorry. It was a dare. I shouldn't have gone along with it. I love you so much. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry princess." -Mike.

"You hurt me Mike." -El.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'll never do it again." -Mike.

"Here. How about I make you some Eggos and we can hang out. Okay princess?" -Mike.

"Okay." -El.

They walk to the kitchen and Mike makes Eggos. They sit down and she eats them because she loves them. She decided she should forgive him.

"I forgive you Mike." -El.

"Great! How about we make another card?" -Mike.

"That'd be great." -El.

And after that, they walked down to the basement with their fingers intertwined. They were about to make the best card ever.

| T H E  E N D |

Hope you guys liked that because it took forever to write :) anyway thanks megmax679 for the great suggestion

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Hope you guys liked that because it took forever to write :) anyway thanks megmax679 for the great suggestion. I hope this is what you wanted. It broke my heart to write it tho lol 😂. Remember suggestions are welcome. Buys guys. Xoxo :)

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