| twenty eight | new years!!

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this year was mike and el's first new years together.

they are both very excited to enter the new year together. el is excited so spend the night with her boyfriend but mike, he is most excited about getting his first new year's kiss. that's a very special thing but it will be even more special to mike wheeler because his first new year's kiss will be his amazing girlfriend. 



"yes beautiful?" 


"what do we do on new years eve?" 


"well today is new year's eve and on this day we stay up until twelve in the morning and shoot fireworks with our family and friends. if you're dating someone, at twelve when the new year starts, you kiss." 


"does that mean you and I kiss?" 

-el said with her eyes lighting up with joy that she gets to kiss mike. 

"yes, if you want. " 

-mike said blushing.

"okay. mike?" 




"I want to." 

-el said smiling.

"okay. me too!!" 


as the day went on, mike and el cuddled on the couch in the basement of the wheelers watching movies and waiting for their guests to arrive for the party. 

at about 7:00 people started to get there. mike and el were so very excited about the kiss they would share later on the night. 

as everyone settled in, they started shooting fireworks and singing "should I stay or should I go" by the clash on repeat. 

it is now 10:00 and everyone is ready for the new year to get here. 

they were all sitting inside and talking until dustin noticed the clock said 11:59 and that 1985 was about to be here. 

they all went outside around the fire and started counting down. 






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