| nineteen | journal 📓

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this was a request from megmax679 , thanks for requesting 💚

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It was a boring day for El, Mike was at the arcade with the boys so she had nothing to do.

She made Eggos, took a nap, read, made random objects float, anything you can think of, she did. She was so bored.

That's when she got the idea to go to Mike's room. She walked up the stairs into his room. She looked through all his things. She didn't know that this was wrong, she was just looking through pretty basic stuff until she found a journal. Mike's journal to be exact.

She was so intrigued as to what could be written in this journal. So, being the curious person she was, she opened it. And what she saw in this journal blew her mind. Written in Mike's handwriting was these words.

"I really think I love El. She's amazing."

El didn't know what love meant. She was to be sure to ask Mike when he got home, but little did she know. He was. And he was standing behind her, watching her look through this very secret journal.

"What are you doing?" -Mike.

"Mike! I'm sorry. I- I was bored." -El.

"So you decided going through my things was a hobby?" -Mike.

"I can't believe you." -Mike.

"What's wrong with you?" -Mike.

Then El got a flashback to when she had just thrown Lucas in the air with her mind. To when he hit his head and was knocked out. To when Mike said the exact same words he had just said to her.

"What is wrong with you?"

She started tearing up but Mike didn't seem to notice. He was still fuming about her going through his things.

He eventually looked up and saw her crying and felt bad for yelling at her.

He was going to put his hand on her check and let her know that it was okay but just as he was going to do so, she flinched.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?" -Mike

All she did was nod.

"El. No baby. I would never hit you." -Mike.

"I-I'm sorry for going through your things Mike." -El.

"It's okay El. But some things are private. Understand?" -Mike.

"Yes." -El.

"But Mike can I ask you something?" -El.

"Yeah. Of course." -Mike.

"What is love?" -El.

"W-what?" -Mike.

"Love. I saw it in your journal. You said you loved me. What does it mean?" -El.

"Oh. Well love is when you care a lot about someone. And all you want to do it take care of them, hug them, kiss them, and be with them. You would do anything for someone you love." -Mike.

"Oh, well can I tell you something Mike?" -El.

"Yes." -Mike.

"I love you." -El.

"You do?" -Mike said really excited.

"Yes." -El.

"Oh El, I love you too baby." -Mike.

Then Mike leaned in and kissed her. He knew he loved her and now he knew that she loved him and he couldn't be happier.

And in that moment, everything was perfect. It was like time slowed down and they were the only people in the world.

| T H E  E N D |

thanks for much for the request megmax679 ❤️  i hope this is what you wanted

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thanks for much for the request megmax679 ❤️  i hope this is what you wanted. thanks for reading! suggestions are welcome. bye guys. xoxo <3

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