| twenty two | pinky promise 🖤

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The day started by Mike and El waking up and making Eggos as usual. You know, just their normal routine by now.

But Mike started noticing something strange. He noticed that El, his girl, was being distant. That's not normal for her either.

She would always wake him up by poking his face, not meaning to wake him, but just counting the freckles on his face one by one pointing each and every one out because she was so intrigued as to what those little specks on his face could be.

But not today.

Mike has noticed that this wasn't the first day she hasn't done it. She would still point out the freckles on his face but not as happy and curious as usual. Then today she just didn't do it at all.

He needed to find out what was going on with this girl he has come to know so well. Heck, he loved his girl so much. He just wants to know what's wrong, but he just doesn't know how to ask her why she's being distant.

Truth is, El was scared that Mike didn't love her anymore, because he hasn't been spending as much time with her. This is because he's been planning a huge surprise for her at Dustin's house just to show her how much she means to him.

No special reason, but to Mike, she was the special reason.

She thought that since he has been distant from her, he didn't love her anymore. So she decided to stay away from him so he wouldn't get mad at her.

But Mike had to know what was wrong, and he was going to find out.

"El?" -Mike.

"Yes Mike?" -El.

"Are you okay? You've been distant lately." -Mike.

"Yes. I'm just... scared." -El saying sort of hesitating so answer.

"Scared of what sweetie?" -Mike.

"That you don't love me anymore.." -El.

"El, where would you get such an idea?" -Mike.

"You've been gone lately." -El.

"Babe I was at Dustin's planning something that you're gonna love. But it's a surprise so I can't tell you about it. I haven't been gone. I love you so much and that's never gonna change." -Mike.

"Promise you'll love me forever?" -El.

"Pinky promise." -Mike.

"Pinky?" -El.

"It's when you wrap your pinkies around each others and it's a bond, it's like a regular promise but stronger." -Mike.

"So I pinky promise to love you forever. Do you pinky promise to love me forever?" -Mike.

"Yes. Pinky promise." -El said while reaching her hand out to intertwine her and Mike's pinkies.

- - -

It's now their wedding day. And nothing has changed. They still pinky promise. And they still love each other very much.

"Do you Mike Wheeler take Eleven as your wedded wife?"

"I do." -Mike.

"Do you Eleven take Mike Wheeler as your wedded husband?"

"I do, pinky promise." -El.

- - -

It's now just a regular day for Mike and El Wheeler. They are married and happy. And El still wakes him up the same very morning, the same way she did when they were kids. She points out every freckle on her husbands face, still not meaning to wake him up but winds up doing that anyway.

Mike doesn't mind though. He thinks it's the cutest thing ever.

"Promise me that you'll wake me up like this forever. It's the cutest thing ever baby." -Mike.

"Pinky promise." -El said smiling at her amazing husband.

- - -

And that pinky promise, was a bond that started with two in love 13 years olds sitting in a basement. And that bond has never been broken and never will be.

| T H E E N D |

I made a new one ^ 😂 okay bye

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I made a new one ^ 😂 okay bye. ❤️

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