| sixteen | dream 💭

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I lost her. Again. I miss her. I love her. I want her back. Sometimes I feel like she's with me. But she's not. I just want to see her beautiful smile again. I wanna see her dimples when she smiles. I wanna see the excitement in her eyes when I bring her Eggos. I want to make sure she's safe, but I can't. Because she's gone. I broke my promise.

I walk over to the Supercom with just a little hope she might say something. But I do this every night, and nothing ever happens. I walk over to her fort and sit in it. Wow. She lived right here for a week. Right here. I fall asleep here every night, hoping she'll come back. But she doesn't.

My mom thinks I'm crazy and that "I don't know what love is because I'm young." That's what she tells me. I know it's not true because god I loved her. I loved Eleven. So much.

Then suddenly I hear it.


"I'm here."

"Mike. It's me."



- - -

I couldn't process this.
Every night I've been waiting for this. It's finally happening. I instantly grab the Supercom and talk to her.

"ELEVEN. I'm here. I promise."

"Eleven. It's Mike. I love you. Please tell me where you are. I'm here, I'll always be here."

No answer.


"El please?"

- - -

I can feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I just heard her. Where did she go. I'm now crying. I thought I had her.

- - -

"Mike? Are you okay." -El.

"W-hat?" -Mike.

"You were having a nightmare, what happened." -El.

"I- I thought I lost you. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy you're not gone." -Mike said while hugging El as tightly as possible.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'll always be here." -El.

- - -
And then, I woke up.
I thought I had her back.
It was all a dream.

| T H E  E N D |

this was trash but oh well

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this was trash but oh well.  im sorry this is sad 😂 but I haven't written a sad one and I was like WHY NOT? So suggestions are open. thanks for reading. bye guys. Xoxo 😊

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